I am here to answer your questions about alcoholism!

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Post by pinback »

RealNC wrote:Do your friends and coworkers know you're living on vodka, or is it a secret?
Interesting question!

Friends: Yes.

Coworkers: The ones I've worked with long enough for them to have become friends, yes.
Do you feel that they look down on you? Or maybe pity you?
I'm not sure! Several of them are alkies them damn selves, so they have no right. As far as the rest of them, I dunno. Do YOU look down on me?
Have you ever killed a hooker?
Not that I remember. But the memory gets a little hazy, you know.
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Post by RealNC »

pinback wrote:
Do you feel that they look down on you? Or maybe pity you?
I'm not sure! Several of them are alkies them damn selves, so they have no right. As far as the rest of them, I dunno. Do YOU look down on me?
I'm a total stranger, so you shouldn't give a damn. But the answer is no. The only "problem" I have with alcoholics is that I feel like they might be judging *me* because they think that I'm judging *them*.

It's the same sort of thing that happens when you meet someone who shakes your hand and you suddenly realize that he's missing a finger and get surprised by it. You don't really care though that he's missing a finger. But you can't help but think that the image he now has of you, is that to you, the only thing that defines him, is the missing finger, even though you couldn't care less about it. Things are awkward because you think that he thinks that you think that all he is, is "Mr. Missing Finger."

I just realized how bad I am at explaining myself in English.

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Post by pinback »

RealNC wrote: I'm a total stranger, so you shouldn't give a damn. But the answer is no.
I don't! But I am fascinated by people who think alcoholism is just "weakness", and "why don't you just stop puttin' the bottle to your mouth, loser!"

I understand the mindset, as it's one that's easy to have if you've never come in contact with it in real life.

Those of us in the know, though, know that heroin addicts are the REAL weaksters!
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Post by RealNC »

Well, I smoke. Yeah, it's not the same, but I think still quite similar. I don't *want* to smoke. But I *so* want to smoke, even though I really don't.

If that made sense to you, then I'd say I completely understand why someone can't "just quit" drinking.

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Post by pinback »

RealNC wrote:Well, I smoke. Yeah, it's not the same, but I think still quite similar. I don't *want* to smoke. But I *so* want to smoke, even though I really don't.
Yes, that is it!

Except once you smoke, you're good for X hours (or minutes). Once I drink, I must have the next one immediately, and then I DEFINITELY must have the third one immediately after that.

The effects "stack", as they say in Civilization 1-4.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I'd like an explanation on why my question wasn't chosen.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Tdarcos »

Flack wrote:Here are a few questions to get the keg rolling.

01. Define alcoholism. Does that mean you drink daily, or does it mean you drink too much when you drink?
Someone I know is one so I've seen all of it.

An "alcoholic" is someone who has an addiction to consumption of alcohol which interferes with their ability to live their life.

If you drink, but you don't lose the ability to function without alcohol then you're not an alcoholic. There are some men who are heavy drinkers, but they drink socially, they don't drink on the job and they don't let liquor affect the rest of their lives, so while they do drink heavily, they're not alcoholics.
02. Financially, how much does being an alcoholic cost?
Depends. If you realized you were and stopped, nothing. If you're still a practicing alcoholic, it might not be much. If getting sloshed only takes two beers a day, it might not be a lot of money. But most alcoholics become tolerant of booze. This is a problem because there is one safety factor. Your body will pass out when you reach your limit. If you drank more than would cause yu to pass out you can die of alcohol poisoning.

Since alcohol is legal it's not that expensive compared to say a heroin or coke addiction, but alcoholics can and do spend all they have supporting their habit. Some resort to stealing if they run out of money.

Although if you get a high enough tolerance that can be a lot. About a year or so a guy was busted in Pennsylvania for drunk driving, and registered something like 3.0. Note that the legal limit to be intoxicated is <s>0.10</s> 0.08. This guy registered the highest blood alcohol level in the history of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Thirty times the limit. I'm surprised he was still alive.
03. Have you ever gone to work drunk and/or drank while on the job?
That's the definition of a "functional alcoholic." They had an episode of the Twilight Zone about that. Newspaper reporter comes in every night, three sheets to the wind, sits down and types out incredibly great copy, as he's done (both) every day for twenty years.

Then he stops drinking. Almost nobody recognized him because he was clean shaven, he was wearing a freshly pressed suit, and he talked to people. His son is coming to see him, and he decides to take time off to take his son on a trip around the world. He goes into his boss' office and tells the editor his son is dying of cancer and he wants to spend his son's last few months with him.

The editor meets the young man, who asks if he might be able to come work for the paper. The editor realizes - without saying anything to the son - that the reporter was lying, he is the one who's dying and wants to spend his own last few months with his son. So the editor tells him that they'd be delighted to have him start as a cub reporter.

The staff on the paper get regular post cards as the ship travels around the world. Then they get a telegram informing them that one of them is returning.

They anxiously await the return of the young man, as they hear the elevator coming from the lobby.

In walks the reporter, sloshed three sheets to the wind, as he has been every night for twenty years, who goes back to his desk and pounds out great copy, just like before.

Yeah, some people are fully functional alcoholics.
04. What made you become an alcoholic and what will it take for you to stop?
An alcoholic is compensating for something, and believes drinking eases the pain of whatever it is. You can't make an alcoholic - or any addict - stop drinking - or drugging - they have to hit bottom and choose to stop because continuing to be an addict is no longer fun.
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Post by Tdarcos »

pinback wrote:
Flack wrote:01. Define alcoholism. Does that mean you drink daily, or does it mean you drink too much when you drink?
Great question! Much like that one dude said about pornography or whatever it was, I can't specifically define it, but I know it when I see it.
Justice Potter Stewart wrote:I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["hard-core pornography"]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case ["The Lovers"] is not that. - Jacobellis v. Ohio 378 U.S. 184 (1964)
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Post by AArdvark »

Why is the Commander answering the questions instead of Pinback? Is he uh alcoholic too?

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Post by pinback »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I'd like an explanation on why my question wasn't chosen.
Stupid question!
Hey, do you want to get a couple of drinks with me?
You have no idea!
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Post by pinback »

Although the purpose of this thread was for me to answer questions about alcoholism, while we have a moment, would anyone like to write eight pages of insane, rambling garbage about a topic they know absolutely nothing about?
Tdarcos wrote:
Flack wrote:Here are a few questions to get the keg rolling.

01. Define alcoholism. Does that mean you drink daily, or does it mean you drink too much when you drink?
Someone I know is one so I've seen all of it.

An "alcoholic" is someone who has an addiction to consumption of alcohol which interferes with their ability to live their life.

If you drink, but you don't lose the ability to function without alcohol then you're not an alcoholic. There are some men who are heavy drinkers, but they drink socially, they don't drink on the job and they don't let liquor affect the rest of their lives, so while they do drink heavily, they're not alcoholics.
02. Financially, how much does being an alcoholic cost?
Depends. If you realized you were and stopped, nothing. If you're still a practicing alcoholic, it might not be much. If getting sloshed only takes two beers a day, it might not be a lot of money. But most alcoholics become tolerant of booze. This is a problem because there is one safety factor. Your body will pass out when you reach your limit. If you drank more than would cause yu to pass out you can die of alcohol poisoning.

Since alcohol is legal it's not that expensive compared to say a heroin or coke addiction, but alcoholics can and do spend all they have supporting their habit. Some resort to stealing if they run out of money.

Although if you get a high enough tolerance that can be a lot. About a year or so a guy was busted in Pennsylvania for drunk driving, and registered something like 3.0. Note that the legal limit to be intoxicated is <s>0.10</s> 0.08. This guy registered the highest blood alcohol level in the history of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Thirty times the limit. I'm surprised he was still alive.
03. Have you ever gone to work drunk and/or drank while on the job?
That's the definition of a "functional alcoholic." They had an episode of the Twilight Zone about that. Newspaper reporter comes in every night, three sheets to the wind, sits down and types out incredibly great copy, as he's done (both) every day for twenty years.

Then he stops drinking. Almost nobody recognized him because he was clean shaven, he was wearing a freshly pressed suit, and he talked to people. His son is coming to see him, and he decides to take time off to take his son on a trip around the world. He goes into his boss' office and tells the editor his son is dying of cancer and he wants to spend his son's last few months with him.

The editor meets the young man, who asks if he might be able to come work for the paper. The editor realizes - without saying anything to the son - that the reporter was lying, he is the one who's dying and wants to spend his own last few months with his son. So the editor tells him that they'd be delighted to have him start as a cub reporter.

The staff on the paper get regular post cards as the ship travels around the world. Then they get a telegram informing them that one of them is returning.

They anxiously await the return of the young man, as they hear the elevator coming from the lobby.

In walks the reporter, sloshed three sheets to the wind, as he has been every night for twenty years, who goes back to his desk and pounds out great copy, just like before.

Yeah, some people are fully functional alcoholics.
04. What made you become an alcoholic and what will it take for you to stop?
An alcoholic is compensating for something, and believes drinking eases the pain of whatever it is. You can't make an alcoholic - or any addict - stop drinking - or drugging - they have to hit bottom and choose to stop because continuing to be an addict is no longer fun.
Ahhh, wonderful!

Now, are there any more questions?
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Post by Flack »

To be honest my first question was going to be "how long before Tdarcos shows up and tries to ruin everything" but I figured (correctly so) that it would answer itself. At least I assume it did; I didn't even read this round's slog.

QUESTION: Do you plan on still drinking "a little" (like a beer with dinner) or are you swearing off all spirits?

QUESTION: Do you buy all of your liquor at one liquor store or multiple? It seems to me it would be awkward to see the same clerk every day and be like, yup, it's me again.

QUESTION: Has anything Paul ever said or done made you drink? I mean, if it has you're not alone here on this one, but I'd still like to know.
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Post by ChainGangGuy »

This may depend on the answer to the first of Flack's latest questions, but:

To help curb the temptation of a stray tipple, have you cleared the house of any remaining alcohol? Or, perhaps, hidden somewhere, just in case, mind you, is there a Ben's Famous Secret Stash?

You know. For emergencies.

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Post by pinback »

Flack wrote:To be honest my first question was going to be "how long before Tdarcos shows up and tries to ruin everything" but I figured (correctly so) that it would answer itself. At least I assume it did; I didn't even read this round's slog.
Great decision!
QUESTION: Do you plan on still drinking "a little" (like a beer with dinner) or are you swearing off all spirits?
Great question!

I've tried the "beer with dinner" thing and it always led back, eventually, to "passed out on the floor with an empty bottle of Sobieski near my head". I can't do it. So, as sad as I am to report it, for someone like me, we gotta go cold effing turkey.
QUESTION: Do you buy all of your liquor at one liquor store or multiple? It seems to me it would be awkward to see the same clerk every day and be like, yup, it's me again.
Brilliant question!

I had THREE liquor stores in rotation. I still showed up at each one more often than you'd expect anyone to show up at one, so it was still a little awkward, but 1/3 less awkward than it would have been.
QUESTION: Has anything Paul ever said or done made you drink? I mean, if it has you're not alone here on this one, but I'd still like to know.
Hilarious question!

That bit above almost did the trick. That was some next-level crazy right there.
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Post by pinback »

ChainGangGuy wrote:To help curb the temptation of a stray tipple, have you cleared the house of any remaining alcohol?
Great question!

There are still a few beers in the fridge, for Kathy. That doesn't bother me. Having "a few beers" never interested me, or at least hasn't interested me since my mid-twenties.

Probably best to have nothing else around, though. We've tried that (having a little half-pint around for Kathy to have a bloody mary on the weekend, or something). Yeaaah, didn't go too well.
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Post by pinback »

Tdarcos wrote:About a year or so a guy was busted in Pennsylvania for drunk driving, and registered something like 3.0. Note that the legal limit to be intoxicated is <s>0.10</s> 0.08. This guy registered the highest blood alcohol level in the history of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Thirty times the limit. I'm surprised he was still alive.
Although the rest of your psychotic post was absurdly ignorant, this part is simply factually incorrect. There have been maybe one or two incidents of people hitting 1.0% without dying, but they are hard to track down, and not very reliably reported. 0.3% itself is a remarkable amount, so that's what you probably heard, and your slop-filled mind multiplied it by ten and filed it away under "interesting but wrong facts I can mislead people with if anyone brings up alcohol!"

If you find ANY evidence that the story you told was true and anywhere close to accurate, I will Paypal you $100.

If you had any balls, you'd agree to Paypal me $10 if it turns out you're wrong. That's 10-1 odds, baby. But you won't, because secretly I think you know you're wrong.

(About everything.)
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Post by Tdarcos »

pinback wrote:Although the purpose of this thread was for me to answer questions about alcoholism, while we have a moment, would anyone like to write eight pages of insane, rambling garbage about a topic they know absolutely nothing about?
Again, like everyone else, you did not read a word I said.
Tdarcos wrote:
Flack wrote:Here are a few questions to get the keg rolling.

01. Define alcoholism. Does that mean you drink daily, or does it mean you drink too much when you drink?
Someone I know is one so I've seen all of it.
So, clearly, I said, that I have real-world experience with the issue because someone I know - who happens to be close to me - is an alcoholic and I've been watching them and hearing their explanations for years.

Consider the following. I am not an alcoholic, but i have personal experience dealing with one over several years. Thus I can be completely unbiased about the issue.
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Post by pinback »

Tdarcos wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:
Flack wrote:Here are a few questions to get the keg rolling.

01. Define alcoholism. Does that mean you drink daily, or does it mean you drink too much when you drink?
Someone I know is one so I've seen all of it.
So, clearly, I said, that I have real-world experience with the issue because someone I know - who happens to be close to me - is an alcoholic and I've been watching them and hearing their explanations for years.
Ohhhhh, I see. I see. So you know one, so you're a fucking expert, and have clearly defined what alcoholism is based on your zero experience drinking and your sample size of one.

Just shut up. Get out of this thread. Nobody wants you here.
Consider the following. I am not an alcoholic
No, your addiction is being a fucking crazy person.
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Post by ChainGangGuy »

pinback wrote:Just shut up.
Wil-- oh, you're talking to Mr. Tdarcos.

Will you share some of your first forays into the dark, weird, wild world of booze that set you on this path of destruction?

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Post by pinback »

ChainGangGuy wrote:
pinback wrote:Just shut up.
Wil-- oh, you're talking to Mr. Tdarcos.

Will you share some of your first forays into the dark, weird, wild world of booze that set you on this path of destruction?
Great question!

Probably tonight at 10 PM Eastern, on the DON ROGERS SHOW!!!!

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