Bruce's Beard: [enters from offstage] Boy, it's a bit chilly out there and yet it's April for Christ's sake. Brrr! You'd think being a sentient beard would allow for ample warmth. Hey, Ben! Who's this guy?
Ben: This fuck? Calls himself the JC Poop Player.
JC Poop Player: Please, Ben, ignore the whiskers. No offense beard, but this is important. You must listen to me before it's too late, Ben! Poop decays, using up oxygen and releasing compounds which are harmful to fish and other animals that rely on water.
Ben: Yo, Beardie, wanna beer?
Bruce's Beard: Yes, please! Got any PBR?
Ben: Do I?! [dashes off to the kitchen, Poop Player follows]
JC Poop Player: Ben, you are not listening to me!
Ben: Yeah, yeah. Poop. Decays. Sad fish. Good enough?
JC Poop Player: No! Not it is
not good enough. I need your undivided attention. Let's continue: poop contains nutrients which can cause excessive algae growth in a water body, upsetting the natural balance.
Bruce's Beard: S'that beer on it's way yet, Ben?
Ben: Coming, Beard! I'm coming. I'll be there in just a moment. Are we through here, Poop Player? [Poop Player seems pained] Poop? Man... you don't look so good. Poop?