Did you hear about the guy who went to a Gambler's Anonymous meeting and offered 10-1 odds that they couldn't stop?
There was a professional pilot who was an alcoholic and had trouble going to Alcoholcs Anonymous meetings. He found, however, that it always helped if he had a couple of stiff belts before going to a meeting.
"Baby, I was afraid before
I'm not afraid, any more."
- Belinda Carlisle, Heaven Is A Place On Earth
So question I'm 38 and I binge drink. Is that a form of alcoholism?
I drink at most 10 days a year. Probably 8 random times on a Friday or Saturday night with my friends at a bar or playing poker.
Then I go on a vacation every summer and drink 2 nights in a row.
On these nights I get absolutely bombed. 12-14 beers minimum over 4 hours. Then rum and shots rest of night.
On vacation probably 20 beers from 10am to 8pm then go out to bars and drink hard liquor.
However the other 355 days of the year, I do not touch alcohol. Do you have a glass of wine with dinner. Do not drink a beer when I get home from work etc. Not one drink.
So stone cold 100% sober 355 days a year. Near black out drunk the other 10.
Besides the incredible hangover and shakes the next morning I don't feel regret. Maybe 1 out of the 10 times I do or say something dumb while hammered.
Do I have a drinking problem?
the last group complained, quite tellingly They said, "Why don't you have a spoon that just says 'Earth?' It would save time