The Steam Games I Most Want Discounted

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The Steam Games I Most Want Discounted

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I have a number of games on Steam that I really should just buy at full price. But I put them on my wishlist so I can wait for a sale.

Do these designers deserve MAXIMUM MONEY? Yes.

Am I kind of a bad person for waiting for Steam's giant sales? Yes.

Will I pretty much buy a game on this list if a developer of said game comes by and posts or whatever? Pending!

1. Halfway
Halfway is a turn-based strategy RPG taking place a few hundred years into the future. Humanity has begun to colonise new worlds and until now, they were alone… In Halfway you take control of a small team of survivors faced with a violent invasion onboard the colonial vessel Goliath.
Sci-Fi turn based strategy! I love it. No complaints there. Looks good, too.

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Post by RealNC »

wtf, you have 220 games then me on Steam. How can you have more than me?


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I think that comes from more or less buying the contents of every non-Humble Bundle for the last five years, RealNC.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

2. Lifeless Planet

I first became aware of Lifeless Planet thanks to Pinback. One of the moron writers at Rock Paper Shotgun spoiled one of the surprises of the game, which I won't spoil for you. Pinback called him on it. Rather than say, "Ah shit, sorry mate" the guy took to twitter, complaining about how mean the commentators on RPS are.

It was one of those moments where I was able to gleam some insight on why video game journalists are so miserable. There is no such thing as a learning moment for them. They are convinced that the people that read their articles are semi-literate, aggressive half-apes. I think the reality is that, for the most part, the people in the comments are smarter and more socially adjusted than the people writing about games. Assuming that your audience is smarter than you is something I've believed ever since I first logged onto a BBS. It depresses me that so many people writing about games think they are "leaders" of game players, or that commentators aren't working on their own projects, both unpaid and professional.

Lost in all of this is Lifeless Planet, which is (from the screenshots) one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen.


(Is this the first game that takes place in a non-oxygen-based atmosphere?)

I don't know what it's about, but I know there is a SPOILER in the game thanks to RPS. But that won't stop me from eventually enjoying it.

Lifeless Planet is twenty bucks. The developers should absolutely get this money from me and get it now. The game looks great, I've been dying to play a guy in a astronaut's helmet since I was 10. They deserve it! They deserve it.

I'm once again waiting for a sale because I am a reprehensible person that can't direct money into the entertainment channel he claims to enjoy so much.

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Post by ChainGangGuy »

The picture above perfectly represents most of JC's lifespan. Is that the Orc's Head Tavern I see in the distance?

Still, this forum has introduced me to so many funny and wonderful people and Paul and also let me see hot sauces and arcade machines from the world over.

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Post by RealNC »

Well, looks like these guys are listening to you (not really.)

Lifeless Planet 50% off on Steam:

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Post by RealNC »

I bought this instead though:

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Yes. As is the DEAL with this thread, when it became discounted, it meant I had to purchase it.

I have purchased it. Thank you, Nikos. Thank you, LIFELESS PLANET DEV!
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Post by RealNC »

It's gonna be one of those games you *absolutely* want, then buy them, and never play them. Like 80% of all the games in my Steam library.


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Correct. Nothing in this thread ought to actually be played, and I would even argue that we are doing the games a disservice by playing them in the first place.
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Post by Jizaboz »

Lifeless Planet does look cool. I might have to buy that for myself for my birthday this weekend. How do you like it so far?

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Graphics and sound are great.

There's a half-hour long section of the game where there's no checkpoint save. Kind of ruins the game for me. I mean, I don't want to spoil anything, but there's literally no reason why this game can't support save-anywhere. Fucking Ubisoft and shit making a lack of quicksave even remotely OK disgusts me.
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Post by RealNC »

Well, Lifeless Planet is now in a bundle that costs just $5...

They say that bundles is where games go to die. And this game was only released very recently. I guess it sold extremely poor.

The bundle, which only has 1-2 good games and the rest being utter crap:

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I struggle with games that say they are "puzzle." The game where you are a cop and fighting ghosts sounds good in theory, but it was a licensed game that had Ryan Reynolds in it, who is terrible in 100% of everything he's ever remotely been in, and every movie he's ever been in has been inarugably awful.

IN FACT, Ryan Reynolds is the new Matt McConoughey, which I know I am spelling wrong, but fuck it.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Oh. Lifeless Planet is not a puzzle, just loads of the bad-sounding games also in that bundle.
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Post by RealNC »

I started playing Lifeless Planet. Performance is extremely bad, even though I have a high-end system. The framerate tanks very often (like in the Soviet town or the underground complex.)

Did you also get that?

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