I don't know why RR wants me to do this as he says that I am not funny. And yet he wants me to review for you guys of the ramen that I am eating. It was a stipulation he made if I wanted him to allow me to eat 2 packages of ramen. Whatever.
The spicy pork ramen I am eating is delicious. Full of salt, fat, and broccoli (I added this. Wouldn't it be cool if ramen came with freeze dried broccoli? No.), it has everything I could want in a meal (and has everything my doctor recommends for my low blood pressure.) There's a picture that I am too lazy to attach to this post that RR took while I got annoyed because I was rather hungry and RR is not a nice person (what a spectacular run on sentence.)
The one issue is that it's really not that spicy. At all. Whatever.
I lied, here's the picture:

The only reason that is there is because RR did all the work. I don't care that much.
(Now that I'm feeling less bitchy, please reread this with none of the biting indifference.)