I'd like to comment on my statements regarding the show

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I'd like to comment on my statements regarding the show

Post by Tdarcos »

I never really cared one way or the other about whether Ben decided to reinstate his persona as Don Rogers and recreate the show again. Even when he did I figured he wasn't going to keep up with it for long. And, as it turned out, I was correct.

Quite a while ago I started a web comic called "Tales of Zenith" that can be accessed (from the first strip) at Tales of Zenith.com, which I did for 5 issues before quitting, five years ago. I was considering doing more but other things got in the way.

To put it bluntly, it was a lot of work and it wasn't as much fun as I had thought it would be. As I noted in the comic itself, it took about 2 hours to do a panel, which is a lot of time. This, of course, is because it was brand new, I did not have any prior "sets" or backgrounds done, so everything has to be created "from scratch" for each individual strip. Had I been doing it for a while the time commitment would go down because a lot of stuff I have to draw from scratch on every issue - like the building for the TV station behind me in the 5th cartoon - would have been done before and I wouldn't need to re-draw it.

I have a great deal of respect and admiration for someone like Howard Tayler, who produces the Schlock Mercenary web comic, and has done so on a daily basis for fourteen years! Of course, that's his job and it's how he makes his living, so it also gives him an advantage. When it's what you do for a living then it can be worth the aggravation since it's what you're being paid to do.

I mean, it wasn't that I felt Ben should go back to doing the show, it was, as I pointed out, the fact he kept repeating, over and over and over**, that the show would be coming back. So I decided to hold his feet to the fire about it.

Had he, at any time, simply said, "I decided it was too much work, I wasn't getting paid for it, and it wasn't fun (any more)" then I would have accepted that as a reasonable statement and would have said no more about it.

Yeah, sure, perhaps I should have continued the web comic I was doing, but at least I never claimed I was going to get back to it, other than the voice in the back of my head that keeps nagging at me every so often to bring the drawings and related stories from my journal (as well as the items I posted on Caltrops) to life and put them in the comic. Maybe I will, maybe I won't, but I never made any commitments.

So, I mean, as I stated, if, when he decided he didn't want to do it any more, he had simply decided to "bite the bullet" and admit it wasn't as much fun as he thought it would be and didn't want to do it any more, I would have respected that.

So maybe there's something to be learned here. Sometimes it's simpler just to decide that eating some crow would be easier than going through the motions of doing something you are not having fun with simply because you feel that your pride is just too much to also swallow.

** "I said over and over and over again / This dance is gonna be a drag." - Dave Clark Five, Over and Over
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

He has a job, wife, pets and responsibilities. You have none of those things. That's why he's not able to dedicate one night a week the rest of his life for the show.
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Re: I'd like to comment on my statements regarding the show

Post by Tsummary »

Tdarcos wrote:I never really cared one way or the other about whether Ben decided to reinstate his persona as Don Rogers and recreate the show again. Even when he did I figured he wasn't going to keep up with it for long. And, as it turned out, I was correct.

Quite a while ago I started a web comic called "Tales of Zenith" that can be accessed (from the first strip) at Tales of Zenith.com, which I did for 5 issues before quitting, five years ago. I was considering doing more but other things got in the way.

To put it bluntly, it was a lot of work and it wasn't as much fun as I had thought it would be. As I noted in the comic itself, it took about 2 hours to do a panel, which is a lot of time. This, of course, is because it was brand new, I did not have any prior "sets" or backgrounds done, so everything has to be created "from scratch" for each individual strip. Had I been doing it for a while the time commitment would go down because a lot of stuff I have to draw from scratch on every issue - like the building for the TV station behind me in the 5th cartoon - would have been done before and I wouldn't need to re-draw it.

I have a great deal of respect and admiration for someone like Howard Tayler, who produces the Schlock Mercenary web comic, and has done so on a daily basis for fourteen years! Of course, that's his job and it's how he makes his living, so it also gives him an advantage. When it's what you do for a living then it can be worth the aggravation since it's what you're being paid to do.

I mean, it wasn't that I felt Ben should go back to doing the show, it was, as I pointed out, the fact he kept repeating, over and over and over**, that the show would be coming back. So I decided to hold his feet to the fire about it.

Had he, at any time, simply said, "I decided it was too much work, I wasn't getting paid for it, and it wasn't fun (any more)" then I would have accepted that as a reasonable statement and would have said no more about it.

Yeah, sure, perhaps I should have continued the web comic I was doing, but at least I never claimed I was going to get back to it, other than the voice in the back of my head that keeps nagging at me every so often to bring the drawings and related stories from my journal (as well as the items I posted on Caltrops) to life and put them in the comic. Maybe I will, maybe I won't, but I never made any commitments.

So, I mean, as I stated, if, when he decided he didn't want to do it any more, he had simply decided to "bite the bullet" and admit it wasn't as much fun as he thought it would be and didn't want to do it any more, I would have respected that.

So maybe there's something to be learned here. Sometimes it's simpler just to decide that eating some crow would be easier than going through the motions of doing something you are not having fun with simply because you feel that your pride is just too much to also swallow.

** "I said over and over and over again / This dance is gonna be a drag." - Dave Clark Five, Over and Over
TSUMMARY: Pinback started a radio show as a hobby and quit doing it. Tdarcos started a web comic as a hobby and also quit doing it. Tdarcos feels Pinback owes him something because he does not approve of the way Pinback quit his hobby. Nobody owes Tdarcos anything for quitting his web comic because it is justified by the fact that he wanted to quit doing it.

Other highlights:

- The only joy Tdarcos gets in life, other than eating dog food and his own cum, is when someone else fails at something. Most people can see the irony in this with one good eye, which is ironic in and of itself.

- It takes Tdarcos two hours to paste his head into poorly drawn comics drawn in MS Paint. Had he continued his web comic he thinks he could have done this more quickly.

- Tdarcos is so creative that even in his own fictional comic strip that takes place in a fictional city, he is in a wheelchair.

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Post by pinback »

I'd also like to point out that all of his hue and cry is for a show that he doesn't listen to.

The only parts he's heard are the segments he was on.

Obviously he likes the show to happen, because it gives him something fulfilling and social to do.

A normal, decent person might have approached this by telling me "hey man, you know, I don't have much going on over here, and I really enjoy doing the show. You don't owe me anything, of course, but I'd really like it if you kept doing shows, because it's one of the highlights of my week."

But because he's an bumbling giant wad of autism and douchery, he comes at it by attacking me, demanding satisfaction, and writing long missives about God knows what the fuck.


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Post by Flack »

I just checked out Paul's web comic. He did it five days in a row in February of 2010 and then quit.

A guy that did a web comic five years ago that ran for less than a week is busting your balls for not continuing something.
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Post by pinback »

Christ, Purple Guy Green Guy went longer than that.
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Post by AArdvark »

Does he really eat dog food and self-generated DNA?

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Post by AArdvark »

I bet there could be a podcast based SOLELY on people reading JC threads into a microphone using funny voices. And it would do well, very well.


Tdarcos Legal Department

Post by Tdarcos Legal Department »

This needs to be responded to.

As I pointed out, i said I did a web comic and quit when I realized how much work it was. I never advertised it, never promised to do more and never said I would do more. Therefore any comparisons to anyone else's work are not relevant as I made no promises over the content or repetition of the strip.

I said, Ben kept repeating that he was going to bring the show back. At least every couple of months he would be starting the shoiw again.

All he had to do was stop promising and/or say he got sick of doing the show, would have been sufficient, but he did neither.

Comparing me to him is both unwarranted and unfair. I never promised anything. And making a wholly unnecessary personal attack on me is disonorable and nasty. It shows your intellectual bankruptcy, since you have nothing real to say you resort to ad hominem attacks and spite to hide your vacuuous lack of actual things to say.

To pick on a cripple shows the depths of depravity you will descend to. I pity thoser of you who have to reduce yourselves to that level.

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Post by Flack »

It's like you were in mid-stupid thought two months ago, someone pressed pause, and then someone unpaused you and the stupid began oozing out again.

With the current state of your life, don't you have anything new to be upset about? Like, I would imagine in your normal day you would encounter 20-30,000 new things to complain about.
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Post by AArdvark »

He read the thread all over again and got incensed afresh.


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Post by Flack »

Gah, wait until he finds out what Richard Nixon did. Again.
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Tdarcos Legal Department

Post by Tdarcos Legal Department »

Flack wrote:Gah, wait until he finds out what Richard Nixon did. Again.
Nixon was a Quaker. Shows you the kind of wreck and ruin that religion can do to people.

5,000 years of history shows us that Religion does not work as a means of morality nor as a method to live a fulfilling or decent life, nor does teaching abstinence prevent teenagers from having sex, yet parents push - or demand schools push - both of these stupid, life threatening, counterproductive, dangerous and ineffective ideas down kids heads, turning them into neurotic mush and ruining their lives.

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Post by AArdvark »

Just for clarification....can you please explain the jump between the web comic part of the thread and the 5000 years of religion rant? I think, I think Richard Nixon being a Quaker was a sort of stepping stone over the creek of madness but I cant navigate the rest of the way.

K, thanks.


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Tdarcos Legal Department wrote:
Flack wrote:Gah, wait until he finds out what Richard Nixon did. Again.
Nixon was a Quaker. Shows you the kind of wreck and ruin that religion can do to people.

5,000 years of history shows us that Religion does not work as a means of morality nor as a method to live a fulfilling or decent life, nor does teaching abstinence prevent teenagers from having sex, yet parents push - or demand schools push - both of these stupid, life threatening, counterproductive, dangerous and ineffective ideas down kids heads, turning them into neurotic mush and ruining their lives.

"If'm English was good enough for Jaysus Chrayst in the Bahbul it's good enough for me!"
- Typical Redneck Christian
Paul. Are you just posting as yourself again?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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