I am the Retro King

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I am the Retro King

Post by bruce »

A little bit of M.U.L.E., a little bit of Conan the Barbarian....all bow before my 6502-based might!

Oh, and a little bit of Hard Hat Mack. Let us not speak thereof.


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

OK, I am pretty much playing the part of the Thread Necromancer at this point. But I gotta know. What on earth were you talking about here?
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Post by bruce »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:OK, I am pretty much playing the part of the Thread Necromancer at this point. But I gotta know. What on earth were you talking about here?
I got a C-64 and an Apple //e up and running, and played a little M.U.L.E. on the 64, and a little Conan on the Apple.


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Post by Worm »

M.U.L.E was also made for the NES ... is that a hard cart to find? It is one of the nine games with four player support ... I think I have one of the few wireless NES multitaps left.

That is as retro as I get most days.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by AArdvark »

Why would you set up a C64? There seem to be more roms on the net than actual floppies available. Emulation is good.

Lotsa bulky drives and power supplies are bad. Or at least unsightly. Please tell me GEOS is not involved in this. I liked my Commie, but in the long run it was pretty feeble.


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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

I played Conan on the C64, although I think I had to beat it by cheating and there was a noticeable slowdown on that first board with the dragons.

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Post by bruce »

AArdvark wrote:Why would you set up a C64? There seem to be more roms on the net than actual floppies available. Emulation is good.
The real thing is better.

Although I haven't remembered yet how to do a sector copy to the C-64 so I can turn .dsks back into real floppies.


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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

When I fired up my C64 and popped in Maniac Mansion to check it out before I sent it to Bruce, I definitely thought to myself, as good as cs64 is, it just doesn't capture this. I'll miss it, but knowing that if I kept it, I still wouldn't use it enough to make it worthwhile so it was better off in other hands.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Note to self: Maniac Mansion is probably good for the Amiga. (I just woke up; I will forget this if I do nor write it out right here.)
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Post by Protagonist X »

The Amiga had (IIRC) an unusual version of Zak McCracken and the Alien Mindbenders, too -- very different animation than all the other ports. I'm told it's hard to find.

I'd need to look that up. I think I still have my Zak McCracken disks for the PC.

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Post by Protagonist X »

Also, before I forget: Loom on the Amiga was supposed to be realy pretty. By 1991 standards, you understand.

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Post by AArdvark »

Well, If you have the table space..

It was kinda cool, with all the disk drives and everything. for a while there I had four 1541's and a 1571 hooked up. not for any particular reason, just because I could do it. Geos (sort of) running things with my shit-ass Commie mouse. (what a piece of crap that was) and the whole shebang slower than grandma taking a shit after bean nite at the elk's lodge.

I used to have that speedloader cart, too. and a boatload of different copying disks. Di-sector, Fast Hack'em, Supercopy64.
Damn, Almost sounds like I'm missing it.
NAh, this is a 1800+ AMD with dual 30 gig HDs. I aint missing shit. I just thought that was 'IT' then. I saw someplace, where it's possible to hook up a 1541 (or was it a 1571?) right into your PC. What's up with that?

Creative Micro Design had ads for commodore HD's and other soon to be useless boxes. I still have one of thier fliers around somewhere. Most of my C64 stuff got flushed to the goodwill so I could get a tax break. Still have the monitor and other small junk, cables and such.


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Protagonist X wrote: Mon May 12, 2003 9:00 am Also, before I forget: Loom on the Amiga was supposed to be realy pretty. By 1991 standards, you understand.
I miss Protagonist X.

Here is a nice article on the differences between the EGA and VGA versions of Loom.


If you are on desktop, hovering over the pictures will show the, IMO, inferior VGA versions of the same images.
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Re: I am the Retro King

Post by AArdvark »

That was a 20 year thread bump. Where has the time gone?

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Re: I am the Retro King

Post by Jizaboz »

I didn't even know Loom was ever remastered. Looks horrible!
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Re: I am the Retro King

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I am going to state the obvious and say that the EGA version was made by an artist, and the VGA version was made under different circumstances. The last thing I need is the artist for the VGA version to come in here and take offense at what I said. I can't handle that right now. I am against strife. I am trying to make friends not create enemies.
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Re: I am the Retro King

Post by RealNC »

Lucas Arts adventure games and remasters don't go well together. This is what they did to my waifu in the Monkey Island "remaster":

(Top: MS-DOS VGA, bottom: 2009 remaster)
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Re: I am the Retro King

Post by Jizaboz »

Bro really. Elaine in that game was a total babe to me. She looks like a real person. In fact, she reminds me of the devilish girl I met as a 12 year old kid who had a lot of naughty things to say at the Carowinds campground. It's a beautiful representation both on a visual and emotional level for me. Then we have.. wtf ever this shit is on the bottom. Why is she so bitchy looking? Original Elaine is sporting the pirate chick hoop earrings and everything and still coming off as a bad chick you want to have a good time with. Remake Elaine looks like someone you'd just leave at Hobby Lobby while you sail off for the Caribbean by your damn.

Return to Monkey Island on the other hand I have absolutely no hate for the graphic design. It kind of resembles a pop-up book. The cartoonish design of Monkey 3 was shit but Return I have really enjoyed so far. Haven't beat it yet as I was stuck for a while but recently got un-stuck after resorting to the in-game hint book. Return to Monkey island is not a remake though. Remakes in general are usually bad and yes almost especially so for LucasArts games.

The only LucasArts game I could possibly even ASK for a remake of is Labyrinth. Flack may agree considering he has indeed been to the goblin village!
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