Tech help required.

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Tech help required.

Post by pinback »

In the interests of getting the radio thing back together so I can quit again in two weeks, I have run into an OBSTACLE. I'm hoping someone can help.

So, my old desktop I used went kaput, so now I'm on my ASUS gaming laptop.


The laptop has one of those "combo" input/output audio ports, instead of a separate mic and speaker port. So into this I put a splitter which separates the two.

The rest of the setup is exactly the same as before:

- Computer output (speaker/headphone port) into mixing board.
- Mic into mixing board.
- Mixing board output into computer input (microphone port.)

Now, here is the issue:

Although I can tell the mix is correct on the mixing board, when it is sent out to the computer, something in or around the computer (Windows 10? The port splitter? The multiport itself?) is REMOVING everything but my voice. So any sounds which the computer is OUTPUTTING to the mixing board are not coming back in.

Why the hell? Is there any way around this?

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Post by RealNC »

Normal splitter won't do unless it's got a four-conductor jack. You need this:


(It's "split" in 4, not 3.)

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Post by pinback »

Yeah, I got that.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

Tdarcos Legal Department

Post by Tdarcos Legal Department »

You'll all be pleased to know that Don Rogers called me and now he has got his board working. I said when he was doing a practice interview, that he sounded like the disk jockey at the beginning of The Carpenters "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft"

Apparently, The Carpenters is yet another group he doesn't like.

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