Optional: Rub ingredients (see below)
1. Take meat out of package and rinse it off. Use paper towels to dry it off. Put it on a sturdy, foil-covered pan for now. Put about 2 cups of woodchips in some water to soak.
2. Set aluminum tray in center of grill. Pour about a cup of water in it. Make two piles of coals on each side of it. Apply generous ammount of lighter fluid if not using match-light charcoal (you only get one try at this). Light coals.
3. Apply rub to pork if desired. Once coals are mostly white, the chips will have soaked long enough. Drain those and scatter them evenly on both piles of coal. Put grill grate on and set pork on it. Close grill. Clamp it if possible. If the meat is touching the lid of your cheap, Walmart hobbit grill.. fine. It'll still work so long as you can manage to squeeze the lid down and leave it there.
5. After 3 hours, open lid. If water is gone, add some more. Add more woodchips to keep things smoking. Close the lid again and DO NOT TOUCH FOR ANOTHER 3 HOURS.
6. Remove pork and bring inside. Check with meat thermometer. If not 170 degrees internal temp yet; just cover with foil and put in oven at 250 and check it in an hour, or if you are starving at this point.. put it in at 350 and check it after 40 minutes.
7. Once internal temp of 170-180 is reached, let pork rest for AT LEAST 25 minutes before you start using forks to pull it apart and eat it.
Lot of salt, brown sugar, generous black pepper, dash of cayenne pepper, some paprika, dash of coffee grounds. Just pour these into a small bowl and add ingredients until the rub tastes as salty, sweet, or peppery as you want. You'll want to make enough for 3-4 handfuls.