I am now vaping

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Post by Tdarcos »

RealNC wrote:Also, I don't know if I'm imagining things, but I think I'm now able to walk home (it's uphill and quite steep) without panting like a dog. No idea if just two weeks is even enough to make a difference, but I swear I'm not as out of breath anymore when doing that.
Seems reasonable. As I noted, vaping liquid is a laboreatory construct like perfume or insecticide, which is them prepared from the exact chemicals and nothing else. Estimates are tobacco smoke has 300 or more components.

Oh yeah, smoke. There's no smoke; have you ever vaporized Vick's Vaporub by heating it in a vaporizer or double boiler? You're not inhaling smoke anymore! It just hit me.
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Post by RealNC »

Got a bottle of "frozen fruits". Some mix of wild berries and mint. Not a fan of the mint, I have to say. It masks the nicotine throat hit, which for me, at this point at least, is the whole point of vaping. And also doesn't go well with coffee.

Then I got the most vile-tasting ejuice on the planet. "Supreme" from Eliquid France. Holy shit. It tastes like rotten eggs on the inhale, and like cow carcass on the exhale. This thing triggered my gag reflex immediately. And I couldn't tell before actually vaping it, because the liquid itself smelled quite nice. It's supposed to be coconut and smelled like a Pina Colada. There's NONE of that when actually vaping it. Instead, you get the rotten eggs plus roadkill taste.

The vile taste contaminated my tank. I had to let everything soak for a couple hours in water and alcohol to get the taste out. Also had to throw away the atomizer and put in a new one.

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Post by RealNC »

30ml bottles have now been banned in the EU because they contain nocotine.

Just my luck.

(Of course no such limitation exists for tobacco. You should smoke, not vape.)

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Post by Tdarcos »

RealNC wrote:30ml bottles have now been banned in the EU because they contain nocotine.

Just my luck.

(Of course no such limitation exists for tobacco. You should smoke, not vape.)
I don't know if you're making the point sarcastically but this is stupid, since the whole idea of vaping is to replace cigarettes and one of the reasons people have for the smoking habit is an addiction to (and I'm not being pedantic, you misspelled it) nicotine.

You might as well ban methadone as a replacement for heroin addiction because it's also an opioid.

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Post by pinback »

Tdarcos wrote:I don't know if you're making the point sarcastically
I think what you meant to say was...
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Post by The Happiness Engine »

RealNC wrote:30ml bottles have now been banned in the EU because they contain nocotine.
I heard that was passed awhile ago, has it come into effect yet? Because there's a whole culture that's into buying 5 gallon jugs of nicotine juice and custom mixing their own blends. It provides a person both exactly what they want and a guarantee of quality.

Just sayin'.

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Post by RealNC »

45 days without smoking. I think I did it. Probably.

Stocked up on 30ml bottles before they disappear. Bought €400 worth of stock. These should last me quite a while.

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Post by RealNC »

Oh, and I'm LE now in Counter-Strike...

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Congrats, Nikos. I'm happy for you, buddy!

There's something I don't get about vaping. Is the idea that there SHOULD be nicotine in it? Or not? Do people have different goals?

Did that one company making that one bag with nicotine... were they trying to trick people?
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Post by FlyingCarp »

RealNC wrote:45 days without smoking. I think I did it. Probably.

Stocked up on 30ml bottles before they disappear. Bought €400 worth of stock. These should last me quite a while.
Don't let your guard down. I've found that 3-4 months and 8 months are when I go back to it.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Good info.

Nikos, I retract my congrats till then!
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Post by RealNC »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Is the idea that there SHOULD be nicotine in it? Or not? Do people have different goals?
I guess the idea is to have nicotine in it, otherwise it's not a substitute for smoking. I tried 0% nicotine juice and it doesn't work. At all. There's no throat hit. At least not the same throat hit you get from smoking, which feels smooth and warm. The throat hit you get from 0% nicotine juice feels cold and "scratchy".

With the 18% nicotine juice I'm using, the throat hit feel is pretty much identical to that of smoking. Stronger, even. The taste is obviously different (vapor cannot taste like smoke, no matter what you put in it), but having a strong throat hit helps a lot. Once I feel I'm completely free of craving for a smoke, I'll probably switch to lower nicotine juice. But currently, the very strong throat hit is very helpful.

Also, at the end of the day, nicotine is not very dangerous. Well, it can be dangerous in the same way caffeine is dangerous. But neither of them kills you or otherwise affects your health in such a negative way smoking does. Both are addictive and both have side effects, but they can't be compared to inhaling smoke:

https://www.scientificamerican.com/arti ... ne-all-bad

So even though I know that nicotine is not harmless (it's a vice, not a virtue,) I'm keeping it for now, since the plan is to stop inhaling smoke (and making sure I don't go back to it) and nicotine helps with that.

In fact, I'd say that since the invention of vaping, getting off cigarettes is easier than ever. Nicotine patches don't even come remotely close to the experience of inhaling and playing with a deceptively similar-to-smoke substitute that isn't actually smoke. The act of inhaling and exhaling smoke and playing with it as you exhale is a big part of smoking, it's not just the nicotine, and vaping has that covered too.

My biggest fear right now is that like 10 years from now, some new ground-breaking research gets published that goes like "forget all the studies till now, we just discovered that vaping is twice as dangerous as smoking" .... Man, that would SUCK.
FlyingCarp wrote:Don't let your guard down. I've found that 3-4 months and 8 months are when I go back to it.
Yeah, I still want to smoke. But since I'm at a point now where vaping feels like smoking and it completely satisfies the cravings, I'm confident that I won't relapse.

I've read articles of people claiming that vaping does not help in quitting tobacco smoking, and I got to say they're talking complete and utter bullshit. Some of these people are just idiots, but many seem to be invested in something that gets hurt economically by vaping products. Many of these people are influential and were successful in even passing a law here where all online stores that sell vaping-related items are forced to put a prominent disclaimer up that says "vaping is not a substitute for smoking and SHOULD NOT be used as such." And, I kid you not, the notice says "it is illegal for non-smokers to use these products." I not shitting you. The notice says that is ILLEGAL for non-smokers to vape... What the actual fuck...

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Post by RealNC »

Btw, that SA article I linked to is a very interesting read, even for non-smokers. Go read it!

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Post by RealNC »

Three and a half months. I don't crave cigarettes anymore. I just miss them.

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Post by RealNC »


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Three months? You did it! Congrats! I'm super happy for you. This just might be the one lasting success story out of this forum.
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Re: I am now vaping

Post by RealNC »

I ran out of juice. My €400 worth of stock finally ended. I vaped it all.

Prices have now doubled, per EU law. If I want to restock again, it will cost me €800 for the same amount of juice. Big Tobacco got their way and managed to make vaping way more expensive than cigarettes. Since there's no "Big Vape" to counter Big Tobacco, that means prices will double again next year until everyone is back on cigarettes.

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Re: I am now vaping

Post by pinback »

Well good, knock it off. You look like a fucking douche sucking on that pipe. Like a little child with a pacifier.
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Re: I am now vaping

Post by ChainGangGuy »

Will you restock those rich juices? Let's not let Big Greasy Tobacco win!

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Re: I am now vaping

Post by RealNC »

I forgot that Jan 18 was my 1-year anniversary of not smoking. Still haven't smoked since then. I still enjoy vaping.

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