The cardboard package contains five bottles. As you can see the bottles vary in intensity. There's Not So Spicy, Spicy, Hot, Extra Hot, and Extremely Hot. Each bottle holds 1.7oz. of hot sauce. That's 8.5oz of hot sauce in all, math wizards.
The "To Go" part comes from the fact that one end of the package contains a plastic handle. Just look how portable that makes this box of hot sauce! Unfortunately, the bottles cannot be removed from the box without destroying the box and the handle. So really, it's just portable once. Well bloody hell, everything is portable once! Hell, a coffee mug thrown from the roof of your house is portable once!
The more I think about it, this whole "to go" packaging attempts to solve a problem that's not even there! After purchasing them the cashier put them in a plastic sack with handles for me. Anything in a plastic sack with handles is already "to go!" I don't need redundant layers of "to go," like a "to go" package of hot sauce inside a "to go" plastic bag. This isn't goddamn Inception; it's hot sauce!
These bottles hold 1.7oz of hot sauce. It's not like I'm constantly saying, "Jesus Christ, I wish these airplane-sized bottles of hot sauce were MORE PORTABLE." I mean, I guess this is the perfect gift for the man who loves hot sauce and has everything in life except pockets? I am telling you right now, on a bet I could cram three of these bottles in my mouth. I'm not saying it's the best way to transport glass bottles, but it could be done.
Fuck, where was I? Oh yeah. Hot sauce.

So, some problems.
First of all, each bottle of sauce is labeled with a small paper label wrapped around the neck of the bottle. When I opened one, that label ripped right off. As you can see, the contents of the Spicy, Extra Hot, and Extremely Hot bottles are almost exactly the same color. Once those wrappers are ripped off that means the next-to-mildest and the two hottest flavors will be indistinguishable. That'll be a fun surprise some morning.
The bottles are also impossible to open with your bare hands. I had to use a knife to cut the plastic seal covering the lid. I'm just saying, for "Hot Sauce To Go," not very convenient.
Also, again, the "To Go" part -- the cardboard box with the handle -- is in the trash. The bottles of hot sauce are no more portable than a pair of loafers or a dead skunk.
Yes I did. I went right for the middle of the road ("Hot") and poured it on my eggs this morning. Note that the mouth of the bottle doesn't have any sort of restriction. It's wide open, meaning you could potentially pour all 1.7oz of hot sauce on your plate in about 3 seconds.
I put a healthy glop on my scrambled eggs, mixed it in, and... nothing. Not hot. I mean, every now and then I took a bite and went, "Oh, there's the sauce," but it wasn't even warm. I don't eat the hot, hot stuff like Pinback so I'm not comparing this to that. This wasn't as hot as Taco Bell's packets of hot sauce (not "fire," just "hot").
When I go back downstairs later I'm probably going to toss the first three bottles. They're not even warm enough for the kids. I'm guessing the first one is ketchup and then second one might be Taco Bell mild sauce or something. I suppose I could keep them around in case I need a cool refreshing drink next summer.
I will try the Extra Hot or the Extremely Hot tomorrow and give a follow up report.