Here's the thread where I document the process of ordering, brining, cooking, and enjoying a Heritage turkey for this thanksgiving. I figure Xgiving happens only once a year so why have I always been so intent on paying as little as possible for the central meat in my celebratory meal? Plus, I have always enjoyed dark meat much more than white meat when it comes to chicken, turkey, and women.Mary's Turkey Farm wrote:A uniquely American turkey, the authentic Heritage Turkey is the turkey that our forefathers knew and cherished. The Narragansett, the oldest United States turkey variety, and the Bourbon Red were placed on the Slow Food U.S.A. “Ark of Taste” in 2001 to prevent their imminent disappearance from the American table.
Step 1) Order the turkey and slap myself to get over the painful part of paying $246 for a 20 - 24 pound turkey. Found 2 major turkey farms in CA that make Heritages, called several of their recommended stores and settled on ordering and having shipped from a store in Fresno. Talked to woman who store employees have dubbed and are thrilled to tell me, "the turkey lady". Turkey lady tells me she's driving to the farm on Friday to get them and then will freeze and ship to me on Monday.
I'll follow up with next steps and pictures as this plays out.