Dreamcast... is that retro now?

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Dreamcast... is that retro now?

Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Anyway, ever since Sega officially gave up on Dreamcast, I've been picking up games cheap here and there. Unfortunately, this means I've picked up a lot of crap because that's what most of them are. Have any of the best Dreamcast games not be re-released on newer systems (like Skies of Arcadia, Phantasy Star Online)?

Anyway, the other day, I was trying E.G.G. (Elemental Gimmick Gear) for the first time. On one hand, it's an example of a terrible job of porting something completely Japanese to English (and one is left wondering how enjoyable the original game was), but on the other hand, it played around with graphics and did some neat things for a console RPG game.

I'm really glad that the Dreamcast homebrew scene exists, but unfortunately, most of those guys aren't even coming close to touching the potential of games they could be making. The Feet of Fury(http://www.feetoffury.com) guys did put together a nice DDR remake, though, so hopefully, more better things are coming up.

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Post by Violet »

Roody_Yogurt wrote:The Feet of Fury(http://www.feetoffury.com) guys did put together a nice DDR remake, though, so hopefully, more better things are coming up.
So have you played it? My sister downloaded a free DDR program off the internet called stepmania. You can actually download all the original songs and use them right on your PC. It's a lot of fun and the program is exactly like the original DDR so that’s why they can't make you buy it. They'd probably get sued if they tried to sell it. My sister bought a USB attachment so you can actually use the real pads on the computer. Do they have special dance pads for the feat of fury game? Anyway here's the site for the PC version.

The End

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Huh, that's interesting. I was only aware of Dance With Intensity (http://www.ddrmaniax.net/dwi/) for the PC. Feet of Fury can use the same step editor for making your own tracks, I guess.

I do have one PS gamepad to joystick port converter, although I never have actually used it. That's cool that they also have USB versions (especially since this computer here has convenient joystick/MIDI and USB ports right in the front of the tower).

Feet of Fury has pretty nice graphics and seems to have good songs (only watched my sister play it at the game convention... haven't yet set it up here), and I haven't yet tried to make any of my own tracks yet, of course.

The purpose of Feet of Fury is more competitive, so there's wacky weird power ups and crazy things to make it harder like arrows going invisible and what not. I haven't yet played it enough to figure out what I think about that.

Anyway, I bought some Playstation to Dreamcast converters, so I'm just going to be using my Playstation pads with that.

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