Also you can have a spare key ground at a manual kiosk at Home Depot for $1.97. As people have known hardware stores have done for over 70 years.Flack wrote: Wed May 16, 2018 8:10 amAlso you can have a spare key printed at an automated kiosk at Walmart for $5. Who knew?
That price of $5 is insane. Let's not go crazy here. Automation is supposed to make things cheaper. It's probably because it's brand-new so they're charging extra for the novelty. Okay, I'll admit when I first saw one at Rite Aid I decided to try it. I ended up paying $6 for the combined key and bottle opener. One thing the machine did was require I give my fingerprint three times.
So when Home Depot offered the automated machine I decided to check it out. It only did Kwikset 66 and 68 keys, you just choose the correct blank, which ranged in price from $1.97 to $3.50. No extra charge to cut the key. And it worked just fine.
I broke the front door lock and had to buy replacement keys. I noticed Home Depot had removed the automated machine. So I asked the keycutter what happened. He said people couldn't follow the instructions, they kept bringing their keys back. I thought this was ridiculous; the instructions were basically to insert original, wait for the machine to be sure the key is straight, then insert the blank to cut.
Also, I suspect the Walmart automated key machine does not print keys; that would take too long. The machine probably just cuts and grinds key blanks the way locksmiths and hardware store clerks have done for decades.