I tried to talk about this on Caltrops, but that place has become the most unreadable tedious shit it's ever been. Let's talk about the game Akane.
You have a wave of enemies, much like Robotron, at the start. You can slash with a katana, or hold the shift key down to aim with the mouse as a gun. It looks amazing and I find myself thinking that this is one of the few modern day arcade games out there. It could be in an arcade cabinet just fine. Lemme post the Steam link because it's cheap and you should all get it:
I swear if the first few responses are just shitting on it I will shut this place down. Thanks!
I had about $3.50 in my Steam wallet, so I ponied up the additional 50 cents and tried it out. Cool, cool. I find WASD difficult for games like this, so I probably won't go back to it too often, but yes, would make a fine arcade game.
pinback wrote: Sun Oct 21, 2018 5:35 am
I had about $3.50 in my Steam wallet, so I ponied up the additional 50 cents and tried it out. Cool, cool. I find WASD difficult for games like this, so I probably won't go back to it too often, but yes, would make a fine arcade game.
I have gotten to, but haven't beaten the boss.
Waitasec. Devil Daggers is the most difficult game of all-time. Most people don't spend more than 30 seconds in a single play through in their life. You can do this, Pinback. You can achieve proper AKANE.
I didn't know there was a boss until I was on a roll. I panicked because everything the game teaches you up until the first boss needs to be adjusted. I run out of stamina spamming the katana button when he's on the screen too soon. Giggity.
I also wonder how necessary it is to get the unlockables before fighting the boss. I have two so far, I think. But damn, the game is GOOD. This is a GOOD game. Possibly the best one I've played in 2018 so far.
I feel that it is unfair to classify my question as "thread-derailing" since it addresses a pretty serious stipulation you had placed in your original post.