oafpsdfhoisdhf wrote:God are you an idiot. No wonder nobody comes on here anymore. And I do mean COMES.
Oh I'll take care of that, no sweat. I'm going to
enjoy this. I'm going to take my own sweet, sweet time and spend this post ultimately coming on your fucking face.
Assuming you have some point here other than "OMFG UNREALISTIC!!!", as if Moon Patrol is a thoughtful, exacting simulation of satellite exploration, you have utterly failed to make it.
We don't have to do anything you don't want to do.
My point is that Gravitar took something which video games gloss over and decided to run with it. That's what all of this is going to come down to. Gravitar is the arcade equivalent of your RPG character getting hungry or having to take a piss. It's the arcade equivalent of you running out of bullets for your default weapon in a FPS. It's -- essentially -- the arcade experience you can't get elsewhere that shows how much fun it is when your protagonist in an anime dating sim runs out of splurting Japanese semen.
Gravitar is the sequel, in spirit if not in name, to Lunar Lander, one of the most revolutionary games ever to grace not only the arcades, but EVERY COMPUTER EVER MADE, including the Texas Instruments calculators of the mid-70's.
I'll take my jeans off. Don't you worry. I'll be very gentle.
This is apparently what passed for innovation in 1982. Ripping off some other game that could be played on an abacus. Swoon!
... Christ, man, a fucking CALCULATOR? I don't know what I was thinking. Gravitar, I'm sure, is gonna be described as a great game, and then you're going to go state that the Atari 2600 version of looking at log tables kicked a lot of ass and ought to be in the next 10-in-1 as well.
Is Gravitar better than Lunar Lander? Here's a big: YES. Was Gravitar as revolutionary as Lunar Lander? Here's a big: NO FORKING WAY.
Just lay back. It'll be fine. You look so beautiful when you look up at me.
Let's get something straight. Lunar Lander barely qualifies as a "game." It's something that mathematics nerds did because they had no artistic flair and couldn't draw anything more complicated than a triangle on the screen. It's spreadsheet gaming if you want to call it that.
I hold no special regard for the best game of that genre than I would any of the other ones. Rez, for instance. Rez is probably the best rail shooter of all time. To HELL with Rez, though. It's still a fucking rail shooter.
Ditto this Lunar Lander shit.
Was Gravitar a godsend to 'Lander junkies who'd tired of landing their dude on the "5X" landing spot fifty-three million times in a row? Here's a giant, pulsing, throbbing: YES.
Why don't I just wiggle these off, too? Heh. God, let me brush away these strands of hair on your face.... yeah....
That doesn't make Gravitar a decent game! If anything, it damns it
even more because some bitch over at Atari made not only a shitty, wholly ridiculous game, but one that was cribbed from somebody else! What are you supporting this game on? Its fucking legacy?
Has any game of its type ever been done better? NO.
Just let me pop it in your mouth for a second... just for a second...
That's because everyone realized they couldn't make any money in the "shitty space sim unfair quarter gobbler genre" at the arcade. Atari shipped 5,400 units of Gravitar. Back in 1982, you could put feces in a CRT so long as there was a joystick used to manipulate it you could get 6,000 units moved. Nobody wanted Gravitar. NOBODY. Except for, apparently, about five thousand pencil necks who lost their TI calculators with way too much money on their hands and needed to get their "arse game fix."
Did it translate well on MAME? YES.
You can take more than just the tip, can't you? That's it, yeah. Open up.
Of course it did. Gravitar's anti-controls lend themselves to MAME, what with the average keyboard having like 101 keys. That's almost enough to cover all the individual buttons the arcade version of Gravitar presented.
Do you need the little thruster lever to make a reasonable facsimile of the game? NO.
Just say when you want me to slow down.... just enunciate the words and everything, heh, no really, I will be very gentle and wouldn't dream about anything you aren't ready for.
It's a game about not dumping your ship on some terrain. Every other -- better! -- game solved this by having a joystick or something skulk about the cabinet. Not Gravitar! If it wasn't in a terrible game you can write in about thirty lines of BASIC it's not worth having!
Did you almost certainly suck at this game, therefore never getting to the point where you could understand how cool it was? YES.
You have pretty eyes. You look great like this.
I never thought I sucked at it. Because I hated it so much, the winning conditions were me depositing my little bitch space dude and his preposterously-engineered spaceship into the sun over and over again. Turning him back into his component atoms was what I considered a "victory." Doing it without engaging a pirate in one of those laughable "combat boards" was an victory with extra-winning.
Did you ever clear the first board of planets? NO.
I think I'm going to blast it right on your fucking face, you miserable, whimpering little funcunt.
I've done it on the 2600, only I didn't know that they were supposed to be planets. They were all blocky. And block-like. I thought I was evicting little roaches out of cardboard boxes on a solar level, like some kind of interstellar slum lord when I played it on the 10-in-1 a year ago.
But it apparently works on all manner of systems, according to your bullshit toad logic, so the 2600 ought to display the thing just fine and capture its magic "gameplay." In fact, I did some research and it looks like Gravitar got ported to a LOT of systems. Here are the platforms where it also works:
o The original Intellivision
o The Magnavox Odyssey
o A tricked-out Bushnell PONG board
o A black-and-white dial television with crayons replacing those overlay thingies that were so big in the late 70s
o The nine rocks resting on the platform of horseshit you used to hurl at a keyboard and bang out this inane ape blather, you cock-dripping fucking cave monkey
Are you a fucking idiot who has systematically destroyed his own BBS with his own lack of attention and idiotic, indefensible, ridiculous, caustic, embarrassing points of view?? YES.
This is how this thing is going to go.
I'm going to go turn on the 10-in-1, put Gravitar on, shove the 10-in-1's stick up my rectum and then photograph and e-mail the results to you.
You're going to practice your frowny faces when TechTV picks this up after a few more posts in this thread and makes me famous for treating you like...
... Well, there's no other way to put it, like my 10-in-1 playing Gravitar, butt-chud style.
Hi, Mom!