Vitamins and the NWO

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Vitamins and the NWO

Post by Vitriola »

When you get prescription medication, and it has a history of making people sick, they warn you. TAKE WITH FOOD. I've sometimes feel ill if I forget to eat first, or if I ate too long ago, or if I didn't eat enough, and then took a vitamin. Others have said the same thing, and some brands are worse than others. There's just no goddam excuse why I should have eaten a veggieburger in the last 2 hours, and then just hurled up a vitamin about half the size of those horsepills they give you in most bottles, without there being a fucking warning on the label. The bottle has a picture of a field on the label, with cursive script, and the pills themselves are small, oval, and a pleasing shade of yellow. And so far, they've been the worst. Seriously. WTF?

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Because vitamins aren't ruled by the same regulations that prescriptions are.

Regardless, it's really pointless to eat a vitamin straight up.. you need to have food in there for it to bind to. Even if it's a couple pieces of bread or something, the vitamin will turn even Wonder bread into 100% RDA.

And shit.

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

Most of that vitamin stuff is snake oil, and the industry successfully lobbied to make themselves exempt from FDA regulation, meaning that they're free to claim that shark cartilage is good for you, gingko-biloba gives you better memory, and other such total horseshit. They have no obligation to prove that their claims are true, and unless people start dying (like they did with ephedra), they're free to claim anything they want.

Of course, stuff like basic multivitamins or good ol' vitamin C are certainly good for you, but as soon as you stray from the honest-to-goodness stuff that doctors have been recommending for years, you're deeply into quack terroritory. While waiting for a prescription to be filled on Christmas Eve after my wife collapsed and had to go to the emergency room, I saw that Rite Aid had a stand of homeopathic water that was supposed to help you quit smoking. This would mean that they put a tiny blob of tobacco in a big jug of water, shook it, then diluted that, shook it, over and over until the water you're buying has not a single molecule left of the tobacco, but supposed it left "vibrations" and the "water memory" will cure your cravings. Yeah, sure.

Point being, the pill industry is a total disaster.


Post by Vitriola »


With these, I'll be able to push-start my shalemobile and tame large reptilian gogos. And nail a few Betties while I'm at it YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

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Post by itgirl »

Who decided that the Flintstones should have their own line of vitamins? Wouldn't you think that them eating like, sabre-tooth tiger at every meal would of necessity deplete them of vitamins or at least make them scurvy-vulnerable? How is this family a healthy role model for complete nutrition?


Post by Vitriola »

Answer: Hotter chicks than The Jetsons. Or the Smurfs.

Was there a Pebbles vitamin? The teenage Pebbles? I MUST KNOW.

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Post by itgirl »

Ok, you are so wrong. I will, however, take compassion on you, because your amount of wrongness is so great that you have no idea how wrong you are. Let's compare:


little girl, riding a giant purple dinosaur.


hot little teen beauty queen and you KNOW that shit is tight.


Post by Vitriola »



Post by Vitriola »


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Post by itgirl »

What a fucking loser slut! She treated BamBam like shit. And he grew up to be an idiot. She only used him. Of course he probably lost all testosterone based on the sheer volume of steroids.....

And I don't see Pebbles with her own Atari 2600 video game.



Post by Vitriola »

Yeah, that platform really stood the test of time...NOT.


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Post by Worm »

Flintstones was a better cartoon. You'll find more Flintstones erotica than Jetsons too.

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Post by itgirl »

Worm wrote:Flintstones was a better cartoon. You'll find more Flintstones erotica than Jetsons too.
I found WAY more Judy porn than I did Pebbles.


Post by Vitriola »

The Pebbles and Bamm Bamm show wasn't on very long, and jerking it to The Flinstones-era Pebbles just seems wrong, no matter how hittable that little baby was.

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Post by Worm »

Vitriola wrote:The Flinstones-era Pebbles just seems wrong, no matter how hittable that little baby was.



Post by trippin_smurf19 »

itgirl wrote:What a fucking loser slut! She treated BamBam like shit. And he grew up to be an idiot. She only used him. Of course he probably lost all testosterone based on the sheer volume of steroids.....

And I don't see Pebbles with her own Atari 2600 video game.

grok grok

what a small world

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

For the Atari ST, there was Jane Jetson Strip Poker.

There was not Pebbles Flintstone Strip Poker.

Neither show was very funny. Try watching them without a laugh track and you'll soon be clawing your eyes out.


Post by Vitriola »

Most television intended to be funny isn't, laugh track or not. I do remember liking the Jetsons more when I was little than Flintstones or most others, but I hardly remember it at all.

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Post by AArdvark »

Yaint miss much...


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Post by bruce »

itgirl wrote: And I don't see Pebbles with her own Atari 2600 video game.
You know, if you know which 80s cartoon characters have their own 2600 games, you have no excuse for not coming with us to the Classic Gaming Expo.

Just Sayin'.

And maybe this year I won't get so drunk that I don't really want to go to the strip club.


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