Edit: added in one final jabb in my last post that I remembered and subsequently forgot to add like five times in the course of writing the message. It's right at the bottom. Go me.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Worm wrote:You realize Capcom isn't the fighting game genre, right?
I know everything there is to know about video games. The sooner you and the other people around here propping up shitty games realize that the better things will be. But still, half the posts this place generates would be absent.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I know everything there is to know about video games.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Super moves were also in MK2.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I know everything there is to know about video games.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Kombos were also in MK2.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I know everything there is to know about video games.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:The only innovation in the fighting game industry between Mortal Kombat II and Marvel VS. Capcom II is that you can counter.
SHINING SPOTLIGHT OF TRUTH! wrote:Robb "B" Sherwin knows nothing about video games.
Thanks for the help, guys.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I'm sorry that you and Lysander can't see the humor in this. Capcom staved off making a game called Street Fighter 3 for years as if there was something magical about the number. They finally release a game with that title and it sucks as well. Why can't you enjoy that? Why can't you take any pleasure in the fact that Japan's best minds went HURRRR for five years and then put out a shitty game anyway?
I, personally, can't laugh at it because it's the only fucking genre of video game I can play with any degree of skill that isn't custom-taylored for blind people, you inconsiderate fucktard. Secondly, Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike is one of the greatest fighting games ever made; if you cannot see this, you need to stop playing video games.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:My take is that there hasn't been anything compelling since MK2. And MK2 is only compelling because it was quick. Lightning fast. You spent your two quarters in like thirty seconds at first. In Mortal Kombat they were slowing things down by having you punch boards and other stupid shit. I think Mortal Kombat II is the most important game in the genre and also the last important game in the genre. Not that I give it a whole lot of credit -- it just happened to have nice hardware.
... your favorit thing about Mortal Kombat II was that within 30 seconds Smoke's harpoon/throw, harpoon/throw combination would send you cartwheeling out of the game? Here's a hint, Mortal Kombat appears fast to you, because you are so bad at fighting games that before the "FIGHT!" sign flips out of view you're already crawling on the ground looking for the other badly-animated GIF character to stomp on your head. So basically, you're bitching because all fighting games are too easy? Try King of Fighters 99 sometime.
Or, do you just mean that the matches are fast? Well, in that case, I suggest your hated and feared Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting. Seriously, the matches in that game last like 15 seconds. of course, it's unbalanced, overpowering some characters, with an AI that is probably the hardest thing I've ever tried to beat in a fighting game, but hey, all that matters is ending a match fast! Seriously, with all of this internet ciggaroing aside, I'm begging you, Robb, please, find an MVC2 machine and play it. The matches still routinely end in 80 seconds or less and it's a three-on-three matchup. It's got plenty of depth to it and it's still just as goddamned ludicrously fast as any Mortal Kombat game.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:1) I can't stand anime in video games
Why not? Do you prefer Capcom VS. SNK2, with Morrigan's Darkstalkers spright that hasn't been updated since 1993 making an encore appearance in a game that was made in 2002?
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:2) There wasn't a SINGLE memorable character in any Street Fighter game ever
Oh, please. Are you trying to get me to believe that more people know who Scorpion is than Ryu? That's just not true.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:So they were moves with a charge bar. Okay. Worm, if you make a feature that was in MK2 worse I don't think that counts as a notable innovation.
What's wrong with super meter? Seriously? What the hell is wrong with having a perfectly usable list of special moves and then having two or three extra damaging ones that you have to wait to use? Furthermore, ones that did more damage depending on how full your bar was? Look, seriously, if you don't even understand how super moves work, how can you (outrageously) claim to "know everything about video games?"
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:You're telling me that DODGE and BLOCK aren't essentially the same thing.
Yes, we are. That is because it is. Hey RObb, how about I prove it to you? How about you fly up here, and you can make some sort of high-pitched keening noise so that I'll know where to aim. Then I'll shoot you in teh face! If you dodge it, congratulations, you go home! If you try to block it with your forearm, you're footing the hospital bill. Or, hey, you can return teh favor and swing a +5 cock of internet tr0lxzring at my head, and when you miss I get to run you over with a steamroller, then go out into the parking lott and slashh your tires.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:If I'm writing the code for one of these godawful stupid modern day fighters the program flow is all coming down to no damage done.
See? See! That's what I'm talking about here. You know nothing. First of all, you do take damage, it's just reduced. Second, there's blockstun from blocking an attack. Who the hell's ever heard of "dodge stun?" That's right, nobody, doofus.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Besides, "dodge" is unrealistic anyway.
I see, so your problem is just that you refuse to accept reality?
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Wrestlemania gave you options like bodyslam, suplex and the sleeperhold and every fighting game that's ever existed gives you the same stupid controls with a half-baked, half-implemented "special" move system.
The Street Fighter Arcade Board wrote:
light punch medium punch light kick
light kick medium kick hard kick
The Marvel VS. Capcom II arcade board wrote:
light punch hard punch assist 1
light kick hard kick assist 2
the Mortal Kombat arcade board wrote:
high punch bl high kick
low punch ock low kick
the Tekken arcade board wrote:
Soul Calibur control matrix wrote:
Guard Kick
Guilty Gear control matrix wrote:
punch heavy slash
kick slash
X-Men: Next Dimention control matrix wrote:
left punch right punch
left kick right kick
Yep. I can see how every game has the same controls. Besides, I don't see you bitching because every Duke Nukem 3d clone has the same controls. "The control key is always fire weapon! WTF is wrong with this fuck!"
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I am glad that they are still making them! I can honestly not ever see myself getting one again.
Just rent Soul Calibur three, Street Fighter 3rd Strike, or MVC2/CVS2. Okay? Please, do this thing. You saying that Mortal Kombat II is the best the fighting game genre has to offer... it pains. Literally, it pains me to see such rampant stupidity rampaging unchecked on this otherwise brilliant forum.
Ice Cream JOnsey wrote:Okay, truth to tell with enough nudity anything's possible, but still.
Add Dead Or Alive and God of War to that list. ...On second thought, don't. They suck, but I am told they are some nice bubis.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:You guys are calling me a dinosaur. ME! A dinosaur!
Only a dinosaur would consider block and dodge the same thing.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I was shooting half-dino half-space aliens with my trackball and control stick when you were in grade school but that doesn't make me a dinosaur.
Blake motherfucking Stone, asshole. I was playing Doom before Doom II was out.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I was IN the dino-comp!!! I know what I'm talking about.
Judging by the game you actually released for the Dino Comp I would suggest that no, sir, you do not konw what the shit you are talking about. Hey, that's okay. Go ahead and keep on making games where you need to type things like "scream bloody marry" to win and putting a candle on a box will generate a fatal error. In the second release. Meanwhile you can continue to decry about how there's no innovation in fighting games anymore. GO ahead and do that, you shitcanning cockbite.