Why Did JC BBS Fail? (It has failed.)

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

I'm coming back from the bars at this moment, and I have to say, it was nice just to see that ICJ stood up for me calling me a nice guy and all that jazz. I totally understand how I could not be considered a power player and how people like Knucles might think that I I'm pretty much like every other person he barely knows, but it's cool that Robb took the moment to separate me just then and there, and I'm in the exactly right kind of intoxicated mood to appreciate it.

I wish I could defend the downfall of this base, but really, it's not my job to keep it interesting, and I wasn't all that interesting to begin with. Keep rolling with the lack of punches, is my advice to all, and here's to some laughs and wacky antics in the future...

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

The head is still mocking me.

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Post by pinback »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
WELLAINTTHATGRAND wrote:Wait--when did it fail? Fuck. And I visit the place with more regularity than almost anywhere else. Fuck.
It failed when Pinback couldn't pick Knuckles up from the airport last year. This is just the death throes.
I think the reason this BBS failed is that Jonsey is not nice to me.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.


Post by co »

pinback wrote:I think the reason this BBS failed is that Jonsey is not nice to me.
ok already! This wasn't even funny the first five times.

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Post by pinback »

I think the reason this BBS failed is that CO is not nice to me.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

My head hurts.

I was *ready*.. I came here SPITTIN, man, and ready to TEAR DOWN your faulty topic logic that this BBS has failed.

But, alas.

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Post by pinback »

I think the reason this BBS failed is because most of the people who visit it are children of irony, the saddest American generation, the emotionally bereft residue of a sick, declining, misguided society. Nothing affects us. Horrific tragedies are thrown our way, and the most we can muster is a "meh". Any form of emotional reaction to anything, no matter how wonderful or terrible it is, is considered a flaw, a weakness, rather than something to be experienced and treasured.

A group of people focused so sharply on caring about nothing is hard to keep coherent and active.

Used to be, we had ICJ, myself, Bruce, Gerrit, gsdgsd, Roody, Protagonist X, the list goes on. Real, feeling people with a vested emotional interest in life.

Now we have Jack Straw, Knuckles, CO, and their ilk. Barely indistinguishable from broken down machines in their vitality and connection to humanity. They exist solely for the purpose of protecting themselves from existence. To wit: Anyone who expresses sadness is a maggot. Anyone who expresses joy is a maggot. Anyone who expresses anything is a maggot. A weakling. A nothing. The only thing that shines through brightly with this bunch is their absolute, abject fear of feeling, of expression, of life.

First let us pity the poor BBS left in ruins in their wake.

Then let us pity them.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.


Post by Obviousman »

The OBVIOUS reason is that Pinback keeps RETURNING. He's a message board leper; the AIDS of the internet, killing all he touches, or at least leaving it on life support. The unceasing barrage of unfunniness repels quality content.

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Knuckles the CLown
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Post by Knuckles the CLown »

pinback wrote:I think the reason this BBS failed is because most of the people who visit it are children of irony, the saddest American generation, the emotionally bereft residue of a sick, declining, misguided society. Nothing affects us. Horrific tragedies are thrown our way, and the most we can muster is a "meh". Any form of emotional reaction to anything, no matter how wonderful or terrible it is, is considered a flaw, a weakness, rather than something to be experienced and treasured.

A group of people focused so sharply on caring about nothing is hard to keep coherent and active.

Used to be, we had ICJ, myself, Bruce, Gerrit, gsdgsd, Roody, Protagonist X, the list goes on. Real, feeling people with a vested emotional interest in life.

Now we have Jack Straw, Knuckles, CO, and their ilk. Barely indistinguishable from broken down machines in their vitality and connection to humanity. They exist solely for the purpose of protecting themselves from existence. To wit: Anyone who expresses sadness is a maggot. Anyone who expresses joy is a maggot. Anyone who expresses anything is a maggot. A weakling. A nothing. The only thing that shines through brightly with this bunch is their absolute, abject fear of feeling, of expression, of life.

First let us pity the poor BBS left in ruins in their wake.

Then let us pity them.
what do Jack Straw and I post? 3 messages a month? your the one who has to pay a psychiatrist thousands of dollars or get hopped up on goofballs before you'll even dip your toe nto a bathtub much less the del boca vista swimming pool. That's not "feelings" and "emotion" that's just being a goddamned idiot.

I will admit I am affected by nothing, what is there to be affected by? You ARE a maggot for expressing sadness because you are sad about what again?? Being a self-loating creep who creates his own misery in his mind?

It used to entertaining to see the lit up alien guy for a new post, but then those new posts were Pinback can't get a lady, Pinback can't find somewhere to live, pinback cooked up a pot of mexican slop, pinback has a new website that details how he can't get girls, can't find a place to be happy and whipped up a pot of mexican slop.

The two top posters here were pinback complaining about what a loser he is and Freemesser posting about what loser he isn't, which was funny because I've never met a more wothless human being in my life than woodshop Chris . I think if those two swapped lives they would find the golden secret of happiness that the rest of us find so easy.

It's not about the ride home from the airport it's about having to listen to somebody whine when they have no problems other than self-created ones. Coming here became the equiveilent of watching a Woody Allen movie or a Richard Lewis comedy special.

Robb you are not running a website you are running an addendum to the worst live journal ever created.
the last group complained, quite tellingly They said, "Why don't you have a spoon that just says 'Earth?' It would save time


Post by Vitriola »

I thought that the airing of grievances was LAST Thursday.

OK now do me!


Post by lurker »


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Post by AArdvark »

Coming here became the equiveilent of watching a Woody Allen movie




The Ghost of Bruce

Post by The Ghost of Bruce »

Vitriola wrote:OK now do me!

...nah, it's too easy.

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Post by pinback »

I'd just like to state, for the record, that Robb's brother is really a pretty decent guy, who I miss being able to hang out with.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Obviousman wrote:The OBVIOUS reason is that Pinback keeps RETURNING. He's a message board leper; the AIDS of the internet, killing all he touches, or at least leaving it on life support. The unceasing barrage of unfunniness repels quality content.
Another satisfied customer.

OK, this has gone on long enough. Whatever you sniveling little shards of bitchkin think of him, he's MY PAL and I'm going to stick up for him.

Of course, the last time I did this he said he was going to abandon two cats he made a commitment to, and I almost broke my clicking finger unbanning Casual Observer so he could set him straight. So this will probably turn poorly for me. But what the hell. It'll all be over soon.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Knuckles the CLown wrote:what do Jack Straw and I post? 3 messages a month? your the one who has to pay a psychiatrist thousands of dollars or get hopped up on goofballs before you'll even dip your toe nto a bathtub much less the del boca vista swimming pool. That's not "feelings" and "emotion" that's just being a goddamned idiot.
You know, not everyone grew up with nice parents like you and me. Not everyone was given a tenth of the advantages that we were given. OK, maybe that's a little low. Not everyone was given half the advantages we were. That sounds better.

Ben's dad was off-his-rocker crazy, Ben's the product of a broken home, his background is of two terribly dis-seperate backgrounds (Judaism and Old Arizonian) he never had a good role model to look up to when he was growing up, never had a big brother or a little brother to confide in, got done wrong by women with some sort of star-elevator mind slope just when he thought he had things mostly okay.

Let me tell you a story. Pinner told me this story. It's when he lost faith in mankind.

Pinner's out one day in some Astrovan because he had to drop off a kid from school. His kid? No! His girlfriend's kid.

His girlfriend's kid had all sorts of things wrong with her. The poor kid was in a chair and I think she was mentally handicapped, too.

Ben drives the van into the area where you drop off handicapped children and he presses the button with the Autobot insignia on it to make the van contort and transform so it can dispense the kid ... and he unloads her like it's his kid and his job to do this and his responsibility.... and he sends her off to school, finally...

And goes about 25 yards out of the parking area before a cop pulls him over for driving a handicapped car with expired tags and is yelled at to never drive that van again.

Then, that woman dumped him.

Mike... do you even KNOW anyone who doesn't have two working legs and a rudimentary ability to catch a football? Have you even finished a conversation at a bar with a girl you met who had children? Of course not. You don't care, you've never cared, you're dead inside (like Ben is, now, but in a different way because he's trying to get better) when it comes to things like that and you have to actively seek the destruction of those people you deign to be weaker than yourself. It's despicable.

It used to entertaining to see the lit up alien guy for a new post, but then those new posts were Pinback can't get a lady, Pinback can't find somewhere to live, pinback cooked up a pot of mexican slop, pinback has a new website that details how he can't get girls, can't find a place to be happy and whipped up a pot of mexican slop.
You know, that's the other thing. It was all fun and games until you got serious about the food stuff. You have been eating the same 4 foods since you were 18. A lot of what Ben makes is really good. I discovered that my favorite food of them all is something I never had until I turned 30. Thanks to Ben. (And, then, Dayna for making it once a week for the last two years. Clocks in at 44 minutes every time!)

Robb you are not running a website you are running an addendum to the worst live journal ever created.
We're all just trying to get by. Some of us in different ways than others. For all his problems, Pinner is trying to DO something about them. I give him endless credits for that. (Literally -- endless credits at the Xenophobe game the next time he visits.)
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Knuckles the CLown »

bullshit you don't mean any of that you are just doing your usual suck-up job when you feel somebody has been picked on too much. And Pinback hates you for doing that.

For the record I have had relations with many woman how have kids so you are idiot there too.

Anyhow your whole post is invalid because there is the percevied image of me then the reality. You know the difference.
the last group complained, quite tellingly They said, "Why don't you have a spoon that just says 'Earth?' It would save time

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Post by pinback »

I think the reason this BBS failed is that Knuckles is not nice to Jonsey.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

Creeping Maw database

Post by Creeping Maw database »

I'm dead! Dead, Jonsey! Killed by the very murderer who you defend!

Don't you care? Don't you have any compassion for your own creation?

You ought to be the first one in line to smash his keyboard with a big mallet, Gallagher-style.

Fun in Jolt Country

Post by Fun in Jolt Country »

Pinback killed me, too.


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