Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Worm wrote:The thing here refers to the client, 'shit I want' is music. Wormanese only exists in your mind, shithead.
You still said "I would," implying that you'd do it in the future, numbnuts.
Yes, I'd download the program and not find the music I want with it. I'm stating future facts here, WRITE THEM DOWN!
"You would download the thing and not find it?"
:( I still don't understand how using 'could' would have evaded this criticism. I don't see how it's not about my lack of proper nouns and insinuates that I downloaded something and can't find it on my computer. If what you're doing here involves grammar, and if I in fact have no understanding of that concept, just cut it out.
Yeah, so shut your mouth? This is really weird, you bitch about something based on how it used to be. Not to mention JQW was reccomending a client BEFORE bitorrent existed or some silly shit.
JQW has requirements for software that are usually the complete opposite of mine. For instance, I don't have any patience for browser windows loading, so I use IE. I also hate "tabbed" browsing. He has time to kill and loves "fagged" browsing. So you can see how we'd differ. I'll deal with him down below.
Well, mine only takes time to load up because I have it set to save what I was looking at last. Though, haha, fagged.
I didn't say popular downloads of popular songs. I'm probably still running on ratio from when I seeded "The Vandals - Christmas with the Vandals 'Oi! To the world'". Why don't you up Hall and Oates rather than parroting a retard you know from the Internet?
I love how *I'm* the one parroting here, in a conversation I was an active member of on a different website. NOBODY ELSE WANTED the shit I was grabbing from Oink. Christ man, I'm not a monster. I didn't sit there with a lone digit over the left trackball button, just waiting to disconnect the exact instant the last byte made it to my computer. But nobody wanted anything from "Rabbitt" or "Depeche Mode" or whoever else I grabbed. They didn't want it and your suggestion is apparently for me to:
Whatever, maybe the entire "I GOT BANNED! *HIGH FIVE* NT" thing was entirely in my head.
1) Keep it up indefinitely
Big fucking deal if no one wants it, right?
2) Go grab shit I don't want, but is "popular" so I can maintain a ratio
You've gotta want something up there that has a shitload of people after it. Hell, maybe ... try downloading something new?
Man, you're a goddamn retard. This isn't putting shit up on an FTP. The Bit Torrent Guy, Graham Torrent, found a solution that used people like me to his advantage. I don't like having my network "open" -- call it OCD or stupidity or whatever you want. I want my behavior (download and run) to not change. Graham made it so that my behavior HELPS other people, which is genius. In doing so, he conclusively proved that people who care about ratios are dumbfucks and if you care about them, Worm, you're as stupid as the retards running Oink.
:( So this is still about you pretending to be some kind of revolutionary right? I'm glad you're reading this like it's a pro-asshole argument, rather than a 'don't explicity deny yourself every service anyone you disagree with provides based on some petty sherwin-ethical stand' argument. It's totally the former.
I still don't get this "download and run" concept, where are you going? Unless you're running ten torrents a night you can pretty much do fine by running the shit at night. If you really wanted to get CARAZY, you could limit your upstream and just do other shit on your computer.
If I can download from oink, never think about my ratio, and be perfectly fine, great for me, right?
If, when you make that attempt a ringing noise errupts in your ears and the room starts to spin, we can agree that you're insane?
That wasn't an Internet-only remix. That was what they PLAYED on the radio. It was on the album. It was 3rd Eye Blind. "When I See You," if I remember right.
No, it really WAS NOT what was played on the radio. You posted an MP3 which had the normal song intro and looped a 5 second refrain for the rest of the entire song. After awhile you found the real song, which was horrible, but believably horrible. I cannot find the thread, because you're a commie.
What? I heard it on the radio, in Longmont, Colorado, on the way to the Burrito Kitchens for lunch. If you find the thread you'll realize that I expressed my incredulation because it WAS on the radio. I am familiar with the concept of the "remix." This, please, cannot be that.[/quote]
I'm pretty sure someone, somewhere, somehow posted an edited 3rd blind song on this BBS, I remember sending it to people and then having to recant.
Both oink and slsk don't have
Blümchen, so it's a tie so far.