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Post by Worm »

Knuckles the CLown wrote:Off Topic

My brother is just too nice. I really think if they charged him for his meal at this shithole he goes to lunch at, and just handed him a reciept and told him to leave (sans horrible meal he has tricked himself into thinking would be good) he would. Robb doesn't like public confrontation. Or asking for what he really wants. Not taking a shot, just sometimes I think you feel too much pressure from the people behind you in line and you end up with a shitty lunch or something.

I've been so disapointed in the dining out expierecne (see LARGE MEALS I'VE HAVE NOT ENJOYED) I just call up a place and tell them how to cook without being obnoxious about. When I order a pizza I just say "make it well done" 4 words. However your normal dick would order it " BNAAAAA LAST TIME IT WAS TOO DOUGHY BNAAAAAA" People understand you like things different at restuarants but they also make minimum wage. So the key is to get your point across without inciting teenage angst.


Order the fucking loaves of bread turn around and scream "gawk you assholes, I'm ordering extra loaves" take a dump on the counter and leave.
Ah great post knuck. However, the real solution to this puzzle is to call the fuck ahead with your order, or go into the place and pay ahead. Honestly, how does this kind of stuff not occur to people? This way we avoid the two social horrors, "the line" and "confrontation".

He's a fag anyway for having a BREAD PREFERENCE.
Good point Bobby!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Knuckles the CLown wrote:My brother is just too nice. I really think if they charged him for his meal at this shithole he goes to lunch at, and just handed him a reciept and told him to leave (sans horrible meal he has tricked himself into thinking would be good) he would.
Yes. I probably would leave. However, I would then throw the R2D2-shaped smoker's trough that is outside every building out here through the window.

Robb doesn't like public confrontation. Or asking for what he really wants. Not taking a shot, just sometimes I think you feel too much pressure from the people behind you in line and you end up with a shitty lunch or something.
I will grant you that I don't like being the asshole holding up the line. It happens to me every goddamn time I go anywhere where there are lines.

Order the fucking loaves of bread turn around and scream "gawk you assholes, I'm ordering extra loaves" take a dump on the counter and leave.
Hahaha. All right. I wasn't going to, but the thought of turning round to a room filled with Mr. Business Mans and Soccer Moms saying, "GAWK YOU ASSHOLES" is too rich to not attempt. I will let you know how it goes tomorrow.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Worm wrote:Ah great post knuck. However, the real solution to this puzzle is to call the fuck ahead with your order, or go into the place and pay ahead. Honestly, how does this kind of stuff not occur to people? This way we avoid the two social horrors, "the line" and "confrontation".
If you think calling ahead lets you avoid the line you're in for a rude awakening when you enter the workforce.

He's a fag anyway for having a BREAD PREFERENCE.
You know, I didn't start this thread, the Milker did. I kept my bread preferences to myself until now. However, seeing people in Dipshit, CO get the service they deserve prompted me into action, like if Hawkman were less ripped and less conservative.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:If you think calling ahead lets you avoid the line you're in for a rude awakening when you enter the workforce.
What? If they know ahead to bake an extra loaf of bread that you're going to buy from them, it's something you could do on the side, or early when they're getting ready for the crowd. You contact them directly you become promoted beyond "counter customer". You're a guy who is invested in this fucking bread.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Worm wrote:What? If they know ahead to bake an extra loaf of bread that you're going to buy from them, it's something you could do on the side, or early when they're getting ready for the crowd. You contact them directly you become promoted beyond "counter customer". You're a guy who is invested in this fucking bread.
Wait a sec. Are you saying there is a fundamental disconnect in basic human logic between how things should work at one of these retard-run delis and how they do? This could change everything!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

You're not calling up a McDonalds to ask to buy bulk hamburger. If you could stop tremoring at the thought of actually getting what you want, you'd just fucking call up and ask. Honestly, if you post the number I will call for you.

I am a college student who spent his entire DAY cheating a chicktionary, and even I have the common fucking sense to call a place if I don't want to deal with holding up the line by asking them the same question in person. I'm sure they will be thrilled that someone likes there bread so much, that he wants to buy it for his own. Stop being such a fucking dandy.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Worm wrote:If you could stop tremoring at the thought of actually getting what you want, you'd just fucking call up and ask. Honestly, if you post the number I will call for you.
I'm not walking out of that fucking place with 12 loaves of bread. First off, the last few sandwiches I had from that place haven't been that great. Secondly, I have been craving curry lately and I'm on a mission to find some for lunch. Thirdly, if I do it I plant the seed in a dozen other desperate morons in the DTC. Because Coloradoans need to outdo each other, people will be backing their SUVs up to the joint a week after I pull my little stunt.

I am a college student who spent his entire DAY cheating a chicktionary
I am an engineer that has spent his entire day associating with the public and the public at large. The ones you encounter in a tech center during your lunch hour are some of the dumbest motherfuckers in the world. You have no concept of this. College kids are cocky, but they are not devoid of all social intelligence whatsoever between the hours of eleven and one.

I'm sure they will be thrilled that someone likes there bread so much, that he wants to buy it for his own.
Actually, I doubt anyone at that place gives a crap. I know I hated the company I worked for when I was in my early 20s and in retail.

Stop being such a fucking dandy.
I can't help it, it's the rest of these whore-hols that made me this way.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

I'm not even going to involve myself in this. You can ask for any fucking thing you want in advance via phone that you can ask for in person. If they don't do it, they don't do it.

If you don't want to hold up a line, you call ahead and pick it up on the side. I must really apologize for solving your stupid little problem, because it seems like your last ditch defense is to not like th bread anymore.
Actually, I doubt anyone at that place gives a crap. I know I hated the company I worked for when I was in my early 20s and in retail.
Yeah, an EB is different.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Worm wrote:If you don't want to hold up a line, you call ahead and pick it up on the side. I must really apologize for solving your stupid little problem
Again, not to play the role of the grizzled old veteran lecturing the knoiw-it-all college student, but you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and you're in for a major disappointment when you enter the workforce. Lunch shops do not order themselves with a modicum of logic. Yeah, it'd be nice if you could order ahead and pick it up on the side. YOU CAN NOT DO THAT (the last part) at 95% of the moron-run shops out here. They will tell you to get to the end of the line and wait your turn.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

Prefacing schooling me with your extensive experience on sandwich shops you visit during your lunch hour with the word 'grizzled' is fucking idiotic. Beyond that I think there's a pretty big issue with splash loathing from your Electronic Boutique past. Sadly, all retail places and people employed at retail places in the world are not at this moment tailoring themselves to work within your limited experience of the world.

I have been to shops ICJ, I rode the public bus to community college, I've been to sandwich shops. They aren't as predictable as you insist. If they bake their own bread, and if they'd give you an entire loaf worth at the counter, they will bake two if you tell them you'll be coming in to buy a loaf of bread. Thus evading your paranoid masochistic solecism fantasy.

This -- much like the Jesus thing, is not about the facts, but about you knowing EVERYTHING. Look, call up the fucking place and prove me wrong. If they won't do it, then you failed your Charisma check, go to the mirror and build up your skill, you fucking Cantrip Casting Level 0 Sim sunufabitch. Honestly, if you can't get a business to prepare you something for pick-up that'd you'd just buy and wait for then just blow your brains out.

Honestly, I now begin to question your original scenario. Why would they forgo the profits from all those people behind you in line to sell you some fucking bread? These people aren't being the idiots because they haven't done anything. I realize this is some shit backwards bitching and moaning about your lunch hour, and probably doesn't require much thought on your part, but you're the guy being a fucking idiot about it.
Good point Bobby!


Post by co »

I'd bet you could order ahead and even pay by credit card over the phone, if you don't wait until the rush. Then you'd be the man as you stroll inside, give your name, and grab your white paper bag of lunch goodness.

But I've done the "lunch at the cool sandwich shop in the tech park" thing (in Hayward, CA which I'll bet you is almost indistinguishable from wherever, CO) and part of the "experience" is getting out of the office and being with the other tech park denizens anyway. The reason there's a huge line of people there is that they all want to fit in, needing the reassurance that they are part of the cool high tech scene. I'd rather order ahead and eat my lunch by myself while I read the paper.

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Post by Worm »

I thought he just wanted a loaf of bread, because he enjoys it, and he would then use that to make his own sandwiches at home. Which is in itself another delicious layer of suburban living insanity.

Regardless, you do bring up a good point. He may be able to just order his sandwiches ahead, but that might be less likely than getting a special order (loaf of bread) by calling in.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Knuckles the CLown »

these places are so fucking dumb if you called ahead AND paid over the phone you would still have to wait in line to tell them you already ordered and paid. When I eat out at work I go at 11:00 am and call ahead if I know the number and never have to wait. However that presents another problem.

I called this one place three times in three weeks and now the clever fuck who answers the phone memorized my order. I FUCKING HATE THAT! Even if I ordered the same damn meal 50 days in a row... let me fucking order it asshole so I don't feel like a schmuck that eats the same thing everyday. And if counter boy has such a great memory maybe its time he went back to school instead of having his bloated head full of peoples lunch preferences.

I want to eat my fucking food and be left alone goddamitt.
Robb you should tell the Nick and Willy's story.
the last group complained, quite tellingly They said, "Why don't you have a spoon that just says 'Earth?' It would save time

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Post by Worm »

Knuckles the CLown wrote:these places are so fucking dumb if you called ahead AND paid over the phone you would still have to wait in line to tell them you already ordered and paid. When I eat out at work I go at 11:00 am and call ahead if I know the number and never have to wait.
I dunno, these two things seem contradictory.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Knuckles the CLown »

Worm wrote:
Knuckles the CLown wrote:these places are so fucking dumb if you called ahead AND paid over the phone you would still have to wait in line to tell them you already ordered and paid. When I eat out at work I go at 11:00 am and call ahead if I know the number and never have to wait.
I dunno, these two things seem contradictory.
I call early and go to lunch earlier than all the idiots that eat at noon is the point. I'm in and out in 5 minutes..

I should clarify, I meant if you called ahead when it is busy there... you still have to wait in line don't you?
the last group complained, quite tellingly They said, "Why don't you have a spoon that just says 'Earth?' It would save time

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Post by Worm »

Yeah, that's just eating in.

He's thinking of a special order here. He he wants to buy bread from an establishment that doesn't regularly sell it, so one would imagine he'd either be told to fuck off or have someone he could deal with directly. I dunno why he doesn't just get SUNBEAM, and move on.

My point is he'll avoid the normal means of commerce because it's not what he's going after. I imagine they'll have to DECIDE what to charge him for the bread.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by AArdvark »

Todays awesome phrase direct from Jolt Country. com

Splash Loathing.

I am going to use this in my daily speech. I am going to try like hell to get this phrase in common usage around my house.


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Post by bruce »

Knuckles the CLown wrote:I'm in and out in 5 minutes..
Corroborated by Senora Lopez, Tijuana whore.


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Post by Knuckles the CLown »

bruce wrote:
Knuckles the CLown wrote:I'm in and out in 5 minutes..
Corroborated by Senora Lopez, Tijuana whore.

Shortly after corrobarting the story Bruce stuck her between two loaves of mayonaise slathered bread and ate her. How much was THAT bread TUBBS???
the last group complained, quite tellingly They said, "Why don't you have a spoon that just says 'Earth?' It would save time

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Post by Worm »

HAHA everybody's a fatso.
Good point Bobby!

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