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Post by Lex »

Marry her.


Post by Vitriola »

Lex wrote:Marry her.

2 Nauseated 2 Login Pin

Post by 2 Nauseated 2 Login Pin »

Vitriola wrote:
Lex wrote:Marry her.
This is the sickest post in the long, sick history of this BBS.

Time to shut it down there, ICJ, and just use it as a news source for your upcoming game.


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

2 Nauseated 2 Login Pin wrote:This is the sickest post in the long, sick history of this BBS.
.... I'm fucking sorry! Jesus Christ! Do you have any idea what it's like? Do you? Do ANY of you?

It's like the Doom II tagline in this household lately. HELL ON FUCKING EARTH. You people see a small portion of it on here. Maybe 5%. I have to live with it.

You know what we did last night? Do you? Actually, Ben, you do because she told you on AIM. I played "Parappa the Rapper 2" until I solved it. She watched as I played it. SHE SAT THERE IN THE COUCH AND HUNG OUT WITH ME WHILE I PLAYED A GODDAMN GAME. Take a wild guess who got me the game, too. Go ahead. Your first two stabs are free, and they ain't "Sailer and Bundy."

It's killing me. All this video game watching, meal preparing, beating-me-in-pool ... er, beating-me-in-pool-ing, all this "Hey, go listen to AFI; I bet you will like them" -- ALL THIS SHIT. All this QUALITY SHIT happens daily.

Yet someone expressing an interest that I ought to marry her results in her telling the guy that she would ban him, if she could. The only reason she didn't say that she would kill him outright is because she finds Lex sort of amusing.

It's ripping me apart. We have had conversations. They go like this:

ICJ: How do you feel about the "feng shui" of this room?
V: It's terrible. Dragons would have a tough time navigating this place. Even white dragons, the smallest of the dragon breed.
ICJ: You are the kind of person that other people wish to spend their entire lives with.
V: Shut up, you chirpy fruit-fruit Boon-ga Boon-ga, and put on "The Thing" for the Playstation II. I want to see what happens next.

Me attempting to be unaffected, "hipper-than-thou" and all this other shit has resulted in one thing. I, Ice Cream Jonsey.... am not "marriage material."

It kills me that all of you have to see it.

It kills me to live this way. But please don't torture me with your silver-tongued prose, Pinback, and/or "2 Disgusted 2 Login Pinback." I torture *myself*.

Time to shut it down there, ICJ, and just use it as a news source for your upcoming game.
What game? Hahahahaha!
You asshole.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

FWIW, my wife watched me beat Parappa 2 last year (bought for all of, what, $10? $13? from, and soon after, she beat Devil May Cry.

(Well, OK, I took care of the final boss battle. But everything else, she did.)

Chicks who dig gaming are definitely a good thing.

Actually, if she were marriage material, she would have popped you in the mouth for saying "feng shui." I'll assume that she at least thought about it. The day a friend of mine starts worrying about the "flow of chi" in his apartment is the day I lose a friend.

Also, she has to participate in the next round of Bomberman 94 before she can have the official blessing. C'mon! JV ain't just junior varsity any more!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:The day a friend of mine starts worrying about the "flow of chi" in his apartment is the day I lose a friend.
Our living room was very awkward. They just took the sofa out to rebuild the frame. So the living room is currently quite open. It was discussed that the PREVIOUS arrangement was very crowded and blocky and otherwise "not good." I don't know how you say that in fengsushi. But we have a map and a plan for a superior arrangement in place.

I just hope they get my goddamn couch back to me in, like, one earth day. Tomorrow. That would make me happy.

Also, she has to participate in the next round of Bomberman 94 before she can have the official blessing. C'mon! JV ain't just junior varsity any more!
I'm going to talk about her like she's not here. She stated that she would play next time. She got a good "feel" for the game when we were all playing it.

Our plans were originally to throw the ever-pooping Petey poop rabbit onto people during mid-game, but the frigging bunny wasn't throwing out loads of pebbleshit for the first time in its miserable existence. WHAT UP WITH THAT?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

So say that you don't like the way the furniture is arranged. Don't use a term like feng shui - that's about the dumbest trend to have come along, ever.

Petey rarely poops out of her cage, only if she's been out for a good long time. She really gets shamefully little attention, especially considered how well-behaved and affectionate she can be. What can be said - rabbits just aren't great pets. They certainly have a hard time competing with two cats and a greyhound who also want attention from the humans.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Petey.... is a she??!

What's with you people who mix genders with the names of your pets?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:(bought for all of, what, $10? $13? from
Cheap shot man wtf. And you get pissed for people posting about EDS' financials.

Karate Champ Guy

Post by Karate Champ Guy »


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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

Yes, the rabbit is a she. That's why she has a vagina.

We named her "Petey" for her resemblance to the dog from the Little Rascals - black circle around the eye. I rather doubt that she cares that she has a traditionally male name.

Straw: ??? That wasn't a shot, I'm just saying that I acquired it on the cheap. If anything, I'm defending having paid any money for a rhythm game. I mean, I'd never admit to having spent money on, say, Space Channel 5. Technically, Parappa 2 is the only rhythm game I've ever actually purchased, all the DDR games (as well as Amplitude, Beatmania, etc) being, y'know, "evaluated."

Also, I was pointing out that if Jonsey paid more than that, he got ripped. (Off.)

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:Straw: ??? That wasn't a shot, I'm just saying that I acquired it on the cheap. If anything, I'm defending having paid any money for a rhythm game. I mean, I'd never admit to having spent money on, say, Space Channel 5. Technically, Parappa 2 is the only rhythm game I've ever actually purchased, all the DDR games (as well as Amplitude, Beatmania, etc) being, y'know, "evaluated."
It's shocking that you paid money for ANY game, much less a "rhythm" game.

PtR2 is worth it, though. Here are the last few games I played all the way through for the pure pleasure of it in the last two years.

1) Freedom Force (2003)
2) Parappa the Rapper 2 (2004)

I ain't exactly expecting another one until 2005. (Actually, there is probably a text adventure or two in there, somewhere, but still.)

(And I did not finish Parappa 1 "by myself." Pinner did most of the work when he was up. So I should note that. The second game is easier than the first game, but the sketches are much, much better.)
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

I would agree that Parappa 2 is far easier. I can barely get anywhere in Parappa 1, but Parappa 2 was beatable without too much problem.

Although, I may have cheated. I don't remember.

What sucks is that the GameShark cheat codes for Parappa 1 make the graphics all fucked up. It's playable (and beatable), but it doesn't look right.

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Post by Jack Straw »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:Also, I was pointing out that if Jonsey paid more than that, he got ripped. (Off.)
Exactly, except that Vit got him the game as a present. And it's not good etiquitte to discuss purchase prices of games given as presents. Fuck, how many games do we discuss and how many times is purchase price mentioned? We don't even mention if it's Greatest Hits or not.

But what would you expect from a person who names his vagina-bunny "Pete"?

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Post by Lex »

I can only get into "Freestyle Mode" in the first level of PaRappa One, and I certainly can't win PaRappa's dad a groovey expensive car. I can't remember how you unlocked that.

Haven't tried 2, but I'm gonna pick up Gitaroo Man from work soon. We have it "PreOwned".


Kelly can whip me at Halo; and I'm pretty damn good. I'm certainly better than an "average" player.
But she does go on about Nintendo crap. The bitch grew up with Zelda, which I don't give a shit about. She gets the Zelda theme stuck in her head, which was made with 1 triangle, 1 wave and white noise. I played her some Amiga soundtracks the other day, and she cried. It was great.

She also has a lovely bottom.

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Yeah, it's my feeling that even though some good people will forever love Nintendo for opening up their eyes to gaming, that love is very much built on ignorance of all the better things out there at the same time.

Although I was just reading a website about Dragon Warrior last night, and I do think it's pretty funny that in the original Japanese version, there are sex jokes, including a lady who gives a facial massage to the hero with a very special part of her body.

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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

Jack Straw wrote:
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:Also, I was pointing out that if Jonsey paid more than that, he got ripped. (Off.)
Exactly, except that Vit got him the game as a present. And it's not good etiquitte to discuss purchase prices of games given as presents. Fuck, how many games do we discuss and how many times is purchase price mentioned? We don't even mention if it's Greatest Hits or not.
Well, really, "purchase price" generally doesn't exist with the games we play.

Gathering of Developers 2

Post by Gathering of Developers 2 »


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"ROFL" is right!

Post by ChainGangGuy »

Yes, almost two years later it is still very much hilarious. Way to bump up a winner!
Last edited by ChainGangGuy on Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I have not purchased any comics since November.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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