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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »


It's been two months since I went and grabbed my comics from the store.

I am still looking for a way to tell the girl I am sort of sweet on that I get a shitload of comics, some terrible, every week.

Shit, shit, shit.

Anyone got advice on how to "break the news" to the girl in question? How have any of you announced the fact that you're a comic geek?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Vitriola »

Is she won't go to the comic store with you and wheedle anime chick action figures and T-shirts out of you, then she isn't worth you.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Vitriola wrote:Is she won't go to the comic store with you and wheedle anime chick action figures and T-shirts out of you, then she isn't worth you.
Thanks, Caller.

Hmm... this might be my big chance to get a "Luna" figure from Final Fantasy VII in my house. Or to ruin everything I have ever held dear.

Time to roll the dice! The dice of relationship ruin -- OR REGENERATION!! -- +6, +7 vs frost giants and ettins!!!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Vitriola »

Wait, no Lulu from FFX? No Shiva, from FFI-don't-care? No Siren, from FFVIII? No water nymphs, from FFIX? I-- I'll fix this. If it's the last thing I do. Just leave everything to me.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Vitriola wrote:Wait, no Lulu from FFX? No Shiva, from FFI-don't-care? No Siren, from FFVIII? No water nymphs, from FFIX? I-- I'll fix this. If it's the last thing I do. Just leave everything to me.
Which one is Lulu? I do prefer FFX's graphics to #7, all things considered. Figure quality (both in how they were produced and how, you know, "developed" the figures of the actual anime girls in question are, ah ah ah) figures into it as well. I might be moveable on the first one if one of these other bitches is better looking or more hittable.

Plus, I have to find a way to get the girl to keep all the female anime figures in mason jars. Next to the fireplace. Long story. Too long to ever relate!! How do I do this and make it sound like her idea? If I say, "you should put them there so that the elements do not affect them" she is liable to say that they would be in even better condition if they never left their packages and never opened up, and that is no good.

Advice, callers, please!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Lulu »

How can you not remember me?



Post by Shiva »

I will make you regret the day you stepped onto my turf, bitch.



Post by Fry »

Can't we all just get along?



Post by Mog »



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Post by Lex »


Slavering Creepy Guy

Post by Slavering Creepy Guy »

this thread needs more pictures of anime girls available for purchase


Post by Vitriola »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

You bunch of childish, "FFX"-playing simpletons. (He says, after digging out his GPK cards last night.)

Jonsey: (or something like that.) More comics than you have time to read. Also has a ton of 'em.

And, if your woman catches you pulling your crank to a fucking action figure, it really will be your "Final Fantasy."

(And c'mon now - if you're after slutty action figures, the Gen13 and Danger Girl ones beat the hell out of the creepy Japanimation stuff.)

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Post by bruce »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote: And, if your woman catches you pulling your crank to a fucking action figure, it really will be your "Final Fantasy."
She's gotta be used to it by now.

Although maybe she did get upset when the action figure in question was not "Slutty Nipcakes," but instead "Luke Skywalker."


Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

Actually, it was "Scotty" from Star Trek. It'd be funny if it wasn't so damned creepy.

Last time I checked, he still carried a picture of one of the Star Trek characters in his wallet. I don't know who - the fat guy, I thin, but Star Trek bores me, so I don't remember their names. He talked to that wallet more than he's talked to some of his best friends*, and I've dated chicks younger than that wallet, but none so scruffy. I'm hoping that Mr. Claus brings me a new wallet this year (preferably stuffed with salad), maybe Jonsey will also be so blessed.

* for those who don't see ICJ in person, he enjoys talking into his wallet as if it was a "communicator."

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Post by Worm »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:* for those who don't see ICJ in person, he enjoys talking into his wallet as if it was a "communicator."
Okay, you ruined the suprised because if I ever met him in person and saw that ... I'd think it was the coolest thing ever and probably start doing it.
Good point Bobby!

William Shatner

Post by William Shatner »

Worm wrote:
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:* for those who don't see ICJ in person, he enjoys talking into his wallet as if it was a "communicator."
Okay, you ruined the suprised because if I ever met him in person and saw that ... I'd think it was the coolest thing ever and probably start doing it.
Come. . on. . people. . it's just a tv show for christ sakes. Get a fucking life!

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Post by AArdvark »

Get the fuck out of here! He does not! Does he? Do you ?

Balls! And here I am with my 12foot stanley tape measure, pulling the tape out about a foot, locking it and talking on it like it was a cell phone...

IF that don't take the freaking cake...


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Location: tucked away between the folds of your momma, safe

Post by Worm »

William Shatner wrote:
Worm wrote:
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:* for those who don't see ICJ in person, he enjoys talking into his wallet as if it was a "communicator."
Okay, you ruined the suprised because if I ever met him in person and saw that ... I'd think it was the coolest thing ever and probably start doing it.
Come. . on. . people. . it's just a tv show for christ sakes. Get a fucking life!
It isn't like I own vulcan ears or something.
Good point Bobby!


Post by Vitriola »

Cat named Spock.
2 inflatable Enterprises bought and lost.
15-year-old-schoolgirl crush on Shatner.
Pics of me posing in front of a diner named Scotty's.
Pics of me posing inside a truck stop named Scotty's.
Pics of me posing by all the ST crew's stars in Hollywood.
Pics of all their imprints at Mann's Chinese Theater.
Star Trek 'Memories' given to me by a friend's parents.
Crush on boy who owns Spock T-shirt.
Copy of Shatner doing 'Mr. Tambourine Man'.


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