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Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 4:36 pm
by Sr Alec Harper the LARPer
bruce wrote:I'm not actually as boring in real life as I was on the phone. Well, actually, I <i>am</i> but I'm boring in a crudely suggestive way. Vitriola can back me up on this. Right?
roll -12 to CHARSIMA !!!
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 4:58 pm
by Vitriola
bruce wrote:I'm not actually as boring in real life as I was on the phone. Well, actually, I <i>am</i> but I'm boring in a crudely suggestive way. Vitriola can back me up on this. Right?
YOU BE NICE. She gets enough crude suggestion when I'M around.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 7:07 pm
by itgirl
Vitriola wrote:Venita Columb was the other
Ewww, I think my brother had a piece of that.
"EJ slept with Randee? His dick's gonna fall off! His dick's gonna fall off!"
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 7:14 pm
by itgirl
bruce wrote:Well shit. I guess I didn't actually have to be on my good behavior with Itgirl (uh, is that "I.T. Girl", or, uh, "it girl" ?) on the phone, did I?
I'm not actually as boring in real life as I was on the phone. Well, actually, I <i>am</i> but I'm boring in a crudely suggestive way. Vitriola can back me up on this. Right?
I just thought there was a bit of, "Uh...ummm...who the fuck is this chick calling me...." awkwardness, and I was at work and it's hard to talk when a) I work at a Federal government building and b) I'm the boss and therefore have to pretend I am a respectable human being. Plus I had just had a call from my cousin about my father being in the hospital and my mother was emailing me about why the cursor on her laptop doesn't work, so I was a bit distracted, sorry.
It's it girl, as in Clara "I fucked Gary Cooper and the entire USC football team including John Wayne" Bow. I dig slutty flappers. But everyone changes it to I.T. girl because of me being a sysadmin and dba.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 10:47 pm
by gsdgsd
bruce wrote:gsdgsd wrote:Actually, things may be looking up. Yay Atlanta!
We should go get a drink after work some day.
Well, since I get off work at 7:30 a.m., it's not totally socially acceptable (especially now that they've closed down the all-night clubs here).
But I'll PM you my contact info. I've got a week and a half off coming up as I turn 31. We shall drink.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 9:43 pm
by itgirl
Wait, I just realized...did I play Scrabble with you, Vitriola? I think it was "I'm going to kill myself by stabbing myself repeatedly with a plastic spork during lunch because I heard a rumor that Jon Bon Jovi had AIDS" chick.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 11:55 pm
by Vitriola
I do not know, but since there was a copy of it in my house, it might so have passed. I'm sure you're just too traumatized and shell-shocked to permit the monstrosity that was my decimation of your paltry words to enter your conscious mind.