Thread for being jazzed about Oblivion

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Here is another thing I like. When NPCs collide and start talking to each other there is a LIBERAL use of ellipses. Here is a transcript of one such conversation:

"... Hello."
"Rumor has it that there are daemons in Kvatch."
"... Yes. I have heard... the same."
"... Goodbye."

Then again, that sounds like every conversation I have with my extended family. So maybe everyone in Oblivion is related.

Oh. I also like how the game crashes when you exit and it apologizes for it. "We're sorry..." -- that's all you had to say. It's too bad that the one game that doesn't NEED to apologize after every session is the one that does it.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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