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Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 11:31 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Vitriola wrote:Good thing nobody gets paid to raise princesses for potential realm-unifying marriage. Then where would you be?
They don't anymore, they don't.

It's really quite simple. The best games I have ever played deal with volunteer work. Ironic, because in real life, I hate to volunteer.

1) Zork I -- It's a game about getting treasure. In somebody's house. No, you can't quite get paid to do that! LOL!

2) X-COM -- Assembling a squad of humans to drive off aliens, research new weapons, manage a budget, keep international opinion of you high... nah, not this one either.

3) Duke Nukem 3D -- One guy blowing shit up, no. If you're an actor this can be your job, but Duke ain't acting.

4) Knight Orc -- Revenge is a dish best served cold. And without pay.

5) Doom -- Hell, the guy in Doom doesn't even get paid. He just wants to go home. (For all the good it did him, see DOOM II: HELL ON EARTH)

6) Bomberman -- I only wish that you could get paid for lobbing bombs at people.

7) Front Page Sports: Football 96 -- Technically, football players DO get paid. But I don't know if it's really a "job." Besides, my love for this game went far beyond what the average NFL athlete engaged in.

8) The Bard's Tale -- Assemble a band of d00ds and kill a wizard. NOT a job.

9) Civ II -- Hm... Technically, not a job, because the game spanns thousands of years.

10) Jailbait on the Interstate: Nah, not a job, Tracy was just trying to get home.

The proof of the love is in the sliding of the glove. I rest my case, senators.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 3:32 pm
by bruce
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:Y'know, merely for historical purposes, "Visicalc" was around in the late '70s.
Visicalc and Lunar Lander both appeared in 1979. Which almost certainly means that Lunar Lander was under development before Visicalc was generally available; I say let's call it a tie.


Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 5:33 am
by Worm
Jonsey: Seriously, what the fuck are you doing talking about UO? Didn't you play it for a month? I mean you *could* get a job or some shit, though you also could just murder people with jobs for their money. I mean, sure it is a stupid little fucking game, and this freeshard may not really remake the whole experience of UO. All of that aside though UO was possibly one of the few MMORPGs that really presented a great experience.

It treated characters effectively like in game monsters, you had no rights only the rights you could make for yourself. You COULD make a town if you wanted and people COULD tear it apart, none of that shit was planned, it just happened. It would be better if people RPed a bit but still the game has enough unexpended potential to bust the Hoover Dam open.