I'm glad this thread had legs and we had a good discussion about it. I will now address...
The strange fates of time have meant that most of the original JC crew hang out over on the Groucho.org BBS, while current JC users are mostly what we old-timers call "RobB's new friends." Somehow, the twixt never quite gelled together very well, so the oldtimers tend to avoid JC and the new ones tend to avoid Groucho. "Can't we all just get along?" Apparently, the answer is "no."
Whose fault is that? You were trolling the text adventure forum about as hard as I've seen you troll anything when we were based over there. Not that I put all the blame on you, or anything. The Trotting Krips site originally had a threaded conversation system and then when we moved to your phpBB site we lost posters. Not that I care too much -- you know how you can love something, yet totally see its faults? I love text game guys, but they have the weirdest peculiarities when it comes to messaging systems. I'm of the belief that if the content is good, you go to the site and deal with the software. Changing to phpBB instantly roped off half our posters. But you can't let that kind of BBS autism affect you -- if we had left the site on the free system we originally used it would have been deleted suddenly one day (I never took the site at Dencity down, but it IS down, so there ya go).
There was also an incident where one of your posters at Groucho blew up at Mike Sousa. Mike, one of the best guys in the world, who never says boo to anyone was suddenly public enemy number one. Give me a break. That was the point where I realized I needed my own website for people to use. (And, I love running BBSes, too, which is obvious.)
Don't take this the wrong way, but the Rochester crew rubs people (other people) the wrong way. It's a fact. It's not that people can't get along with you, it's that you people can't get along with anybody. Again, no offense intended.
Da King is still a regular visitor over at Groucho (as am I, obviously), while Bunky left after we proceeded to trash slate.com after they quoted one of her notes about her ipod a few months ago. (We trashed them for being slate.com, not for quoting Bunky; though there were some anti-ipod comments, too.)
It was Salon, not Slate. And regarding that -- there was a guy who called himself James Wagner Au whose real name was James Au Wagner, who used to write about video games for Salon. I don't know, maybe he still does. He's the worst writer of this generation. Pretentious, flowery, overdone, overbearing, arrogant, inane... there hasn't been a single thing I've read from him on Salon that wasn't eye-rollingly pathetic. The only reason I read him at all was because his stuff would be linked on the Old Man Murray forum, which I of course had a deep fascination with. Each new link became less and less believable that one man was capable of writing it.
Au was
horrible. He came on one time to defend himself and, Christ, he really did write that way. I can't imagine seeing what one of his grocery lists would be like. It would probably take up an entire college-ruled spiral notebook and draw asinine conclusions about how squash and Bean and Bacon soup are
Anyway, nobody knows any of that shit or what my opinion on Salon is because my days on the OMM forum are lost to time and I wouldn't have wanted any of you guys there anyway, because they skewered all that they came in contact with. But the writing I've seen on Salon has been consistently horrible. It's filled with people who think they should be famous novelists and write in a way which is cock-slurped by other budding, would-be writers but the thing is, it's ultimately garbage writing. You can't write anything of value unless you've been personally attacked for what you have written. I got my prose's ass kicked by the text game community for years before I thought I could write a single decent line. I put out three games with a not-insignificant section of text before I ever wrote a single paragraph that was "good." (For the record, the first thing I think I ever wrote that was any good was when Yar slept over at Clara's house in Fallacy of Dawn. I think that was okay, and the ending of No Time to Squeal was all right, but other than that it's been a million words that could have been better.) The text game people (rightfully) told me that what I wrote sucked, the standard to post on OMM was so high that I studied writing and prose and comedy and learned from other people's successes and failures and here I am at 31 thinking the sum of the not-mindbendingly terrible things I've written amount to about four paragraphs.
It just isn't like that on Salon. Or the Straight Dope Forum, another area where people think they are fantastic writers, get feedback from other people who think they are fantastic writers but in reality couldn't put together a sellable sentence if their very lives depended on it. You know how America needed Jack Nicholson on that wall in "A Few Good Men"? Every writer who is serious about it needs a bunch of people who don't care about your feelings telling you how much you suck. If you can't handle that, you'll never be a relevant writer in any context.
So, right. Poor Bunky comes into your forum, all happy that she got posted on Salon and you guys go and trash her. I can't stand Salon but for goodness sake I'm not going to be the person who goes and says, "THAT SITE SUCKS" to someone obviously happy. I know that makes me someone who craves honest feedback without necessarily giving any (not totally applicable in this case, as there was nothing wrong with what Bunky wrote, I just hate the site where it was posted) but that's life and life's a bitch like that.
But that's what I mean about how you guys can be assholes. There's this thing called tact, you know. Like it would have killed you to not gone on the 69,105th tirade about the iPod and Salon (which I guess you guys hate, too).
Anyway, even though it ruins this thread, this place is obviously not a "failure." It is a place that lives and dies based on what I contribute to it, and I'm utterly, totally fine with that. I love this place, and I love all you guys and girls that call it. If it looked dead at times this year, it was only due to the fact that I was trying to kick ass at my new job because I love it, love the company and love the people I work with. That leaves less time for other things. (Less time for all things, really.) This place makes me smile pretty regularly, and I'm quite thankful for the people who drop by and read - even more thankful for the people who drop by and post, though I don't expect it or feel entitled to it. I've been lucky to meet such an array of wonderful, dazzling people and I hope the denizens of this site have gotten a regular chuckle by visiting.