First up is RetroPi, and our very own Jack Flack wrote THE How-To Guide on it here:
Since Flack said it all there, I'll add a picture of mine in a bit but it really does work wonderfully. People said you could do MAME on Pis starting with the first version, but that was for nerds and geeks. This is actually practically turn key.

Next up is this: ArPicade: ... igame.html

This lets you use your Pi as a JAMMA board. I have a JAMMA machine downstairs that I have hooked Ghosts n Goblins to. I am going to get this eventually so that I'll be able to play every single horizontal JAMMA game I am interested in on that machine. For an added fee they will include a version 3 Pi and program it for you.
The next Pi project I want to outline is PiHole. PiHole works as a DNS service for your home computers, and it blocks ads from getting in. The thing is, I did SORT of want to have some ads get through for some sites I respect, but it's just getting ridiculous. Rather than have sensible ads, websites are going more obnoxious. And I delight in knowing that dumps like Reddit don't make a dime off me.