Stuff I Need To Accomplish

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Stuff I Need To Accomplish

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

OK, here it is, Jolt Country denizens! Tired of making big promises that I utterly fail to keep, it's now your time to FIGHT BACK! This is a list of all the shit I need to get done to stop pissing everybody off. Some of this list may be incomprehensible to you. That's due to some of this having to be done for other people / sites / lifeforms and such. If I talked all big about doing something for you -- and even more damningly left it off this list -- let me know.

<strike>o Get Roody's package mailed to him. </strike>

<strike>o Get all the Clock Tower comments posted in the Clock Tower review. </strike>

<strike>o Get all the Full Throttle comments posted in the Full Throttle review. </strike>

<strike>o Get Dungsroman's "Top Ten Gayest Things I've Ever Done" completed with screen shots, and get it proofread. </strike>

o Put together that thing for Cadre that I can't talk about at this juncture

o Finish implementing all my goddamn scenery for my WIP

o Edit, proofread and format Bond's X-Men game review for the RFTK "Update Week"

o Format, proofread and get together with PTX on his Shenmue review for the RFTK "Update Week"

<strike>o Get a 10 question interview setup with some IF author somewhere for the RFTK "Update Week" (which will probably be not this Monday, but next Monday)</strike>

<strike>o Send off the King's Quest article that Bunyip did for Caltrops</strike>

o Finish constructing the rest of the graphics for my WIP

o Get together the rest of the screens for Dungsroman's Throne of Bhaal review and send it off

o Write a review of some IF game, somwhere, for the upcoming RFTK "Update Week"

<strike>o Get that other game that the Milker wanted to him.</strike>

o Get together all the Dragon's Lair stuff.

<strike>o Get the comments up on the RFTK site for (big breath here) Zork 1, Tass Times in Tonetown, Borrowed Time, the PK Girl and everyone else who has a comment in the last 8 months.</strike>
Last edited by Ice Cream Jonsey on Sun Jun 08, 2003 11:20 pm, edited 7 times in total.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Pinback's Guide to Life

Post by Pinback's Guide to Life »

(Excerpted from Chapter 3 of _Pinback's Guide To Life_, "Getting Your S*@! Together!")

Of course, initially, you may look at your "to do" list and find it so overwhelming, that the thought of starting on any of the items is just too much to bear. If you find yourself feeling like this, as if you're standing at the bottom of an impossibly high mountain with no equipment to climb it with, follow this handy little tip:

Go down your list, and most assuredly you will find items that are easier and take less time than others. In fact, you may be surprised at how many of your items fit into this category! For example, if your list as 20 items, see if you can pick out five or six which, if attacked separately, wouldn't realistically take more than a half hour or so. Then, do those items first!

This will result in several positive outcomes:

1. Your list will be significantly smaller, and the mountain will seem less high.

2. You will feel more empowered, knowing that you can accomplish everything on your list, as long as you put your mind to it!

3. You'll have completed the items, which were on your list for a good reason. And now they're done!


Please add the following

Post by milkunits »

Go Jetskiing with Milker next weekend and do the following:

A. Look at hot and yes single chicks in swimsuits.
B. Get 8 hours of sun into your Vampire like skin.
C. Stay in the condos on Lake Dillon and yes, take a shower.
D. Maybe hump girls.
E. Drink beer with your buddy milker and shot a game of horsecock shoes.
F. Forget about your list you mentioned above and relax a little.

Hey BUDDDDDD, Hey Bud, Lets go Robb. Strap your fricken water wings on and lets go have some fun.

No keyboard, No Monitors, No programming, Just boobs and stuff.

Make it happen Robb, cause you are the miracle worker!!!!!!!!!!!


Post by Guest »

1. 14!?!!

2. Goto 1.

Rutherford P. Jenkins IV

Post by Rutherford P. Jenkins IV »

I hate him. I hate him so much.

Sweet mother of Christ do I hate him.

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

I hope that article on King's Quest mentioned the remakes over at

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

It in fact does not.

But then, I didn't write it. I am just a poor moisture farmer when it comes to Caltrops, and have no direct editorial input. I'll be sure to mention it in the forums, though, when the review goes live.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by pinback »

Hey Robb! How's Roody's package coming?

Hey Robb! How's that Top Ten Gayest Things list coming?

Hey Robb! How's that Cadre thing coming?

Hey Robb! How's that scenery implementation coming?

Hey Robb! How's that X-Men game review coming?

Hey Robb! How's that Shenmue review coming?

Hey Robb! How's that IF interview coming?

Hey Robb! How are those graphics coming?

Hey Robb! How's that Throne of Bhaal review coming?

Hey Robb! How's that IF game review coming?

Hey Robb! How's Milker's game coming?

Hey Robb! How's that Dragon's Lair stuff coming?

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Hey Pinback! How's that "responding to my e-mail about whether or not you can make Vegas August 8th / 9th" going?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Robb Sherwin, he was friend of mine!

Post by milkunits »

Hey Robb, how is getting ready to go camping with your buddy milk going? Do you need a sleeping bag? Or would your rather stay in the condos with the rest of us?

I am glad you are making progress on getting ready.

See ya Friday night.


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Hey Pinback! How's that "responding to my e-mail about whether or not you can make Vegas August 8th / 9th" going?
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Hey Pinback! How's that "responding to my e-mail about whether or not you can make Vegas August 8th / 9th" going?
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Hey Pinback! How's that "responding to my e-mail about whether or not you can make Vegas August 8th / 9th" going?
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Hey Pinback! How's that "responding to my e-mail about whether or not you can make Vegas August 8th / 9th" going?
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Hey Pinback! How's that "responding to my e-mail about whether or not you can make Vegas August 8th / 9th" going?
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Hey Pinback! How's that "responding to my e-mail about whether or not you can make Vegas August 8th / 9th" going?
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Hey Pinback! How's that "responding to my e-mail about whether or not you can make Vegas August 8th / 9th" going?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

James Bond

Post by James Bond »

Y'know somethin', Pinback? I *think* ICJ's tryin' ta tell ya somethin'! ^_^

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Look, goddammit, if you can't or do not wish to make the four-hour drive to Vegas to see YOUR BUDDIES three days before this wedding you don't want to go to, that's fine. We're cool with that. You have my word that we won't give you any shit about it. But let us know for sure -- Bruce and I have to work out the room arrangements.

I do sincerely hope that this has nothing to do with the social anxiety that you have mentioned on other sites. I mean, you'd be kicking about with a lineup that adores you. So I trust that isn't it.

But either way. Say the word, say "I can't make it -- it's just a shitty week for me," and this back-and-forth which has bogged down the board... this RED NIGHTMARE will all be over.

the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by pinback »


I don't know.

Depends on what happens with my job.

But you don't need to worry about rooms for me. I'll take care of myself.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

pinback wrote:I...

I don't know.

Depends on what happens with my job.
Is that a shot? Are you making fun of me? Because I referenced this before when I didn't know what would become of me?

Oh, you'll pay for this remark, Pinback. Your sarcasm has not fallen onto deaf ears. You have made a lifelong enemy in this thread. That much I assure you.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by pinback »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
pinback wrote:I...

I don't know.

Depends on what happens with my job.
Is that a shot? Are you making fun of me? Because I referenced this before when I didn't know what would become of me?
What the fuck are you talking about? My contract here is up August 1. If they hire me immediately after that, then I can't just take half of the next week off. If they DON'T, or if I can get a few weeks off at the beginning of August, then I CAN go.

What the fuck are you talking about?

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I, uh... Hey, I, ah, thought you...

No, see, what I mean is...

Oh, fuckkit.

What the fuck are you talking about?

the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Wow, the comments are up. God forbid any of those people ever come back and actually think that TK gets updated now.

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Post by Lex »

Y'know, no matter how much I HATE Parrish, I really love his site. How long 'til I don't have to type "/test"?

-And for a 14 year old, she's pretty well developed.

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Post by pinback »

Thanks, Lex!

Shut up, Lex!

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