...bit torrents have taken the net by storm. trackers about everywhere, and many of them allow you 2 C just who is downloading what. scandalously (and would we want it any other way?) our sources have given us both ips and tracker info. here's the down and dirty on who has been grabbing what...
icj...celebrity porn
ben...bam! cat story porn
bruce...moose porn
jbond...icq porn
danzaland...married porn
jethro...giant bug porn
violet...twin porn, although we have it on good authority that jethro is going 2 tell her what 2 watch instead and whether or not she likes it any moment now...
...the recent push 2 consoldate nearby meadows property has led 2 interesting bedfellows...Mr P_____ and Mrs V_____ have been seen in each others company 3 of the last 4 nights...and heard in each others company as well, according 2 neighbors...and Mr P_____ with a baby on the way as well...what does this mean for prospective buyers of the acreages...well little, except 2 before of geeks bearing p...or rather Mr P______'s...
...our sources have informed us that hidden bases abound...we accessed 1 such base momentarily b4 we were locked out...and found l_______'s body complimented and G____'s body complimented, sort of, and icj dressed down by all who saw him....but then again that is every base now isn't it...and by "base" we mean "moment of his life"...
...the passing of mr g.____ peck provided financial incentive for one chain gang guy...cgg takes first place in the groucho.org death pool...where were you during the night of june 11th 20--, cgg...just kidding...is he gone...good...there goes the meanest man that ever took a breath of life...
...last up, whispers abound regarding democracy being brought 2 the last of jolt country...democracy brought about after a violent, bloody coup...but where would the exiled sysop go after banishment...no 1 knows for sure, although things at pwc are picking up nicely...7 posts in the last 4 months has brought server performance 2 a screeching halt...either that or all the linked bam! cat story porn...careful, denizens...them kittens have a whip...
for joltcountry after dark i remain the illustrious Q._______
volume 1 issue 3
Moderators: AArdvark, Ice Cream Jonsey