~~ Spreadsheet I'm cataloging ACK related resources to preserve.
~~Upload folder: add everything you have regarding ACK here!
--- Share it!
--- Duplicates are encouraged! As is source code to your own game, storyboards, sketches, design documents (word files, notes, everything.)
--- Even artifacts from other games and creation systems you've or have created!
--- If you think it's unique, lost, endangered, or even scattered around the internet, please upload it!
I want to talk TO YOU! The ACK community!
--- Email me at nbacon0@gmail.com
--- Let me catalog your stories, experiences, and work with ACK and video games!
Greetings and salutations my comrades in adventure!
After musing on "below the line" bases on Jolt Country, I realized that nary a whisper was being uttered in the Adventure Creation Kit base and many were bemoaning the state of games being lost as far back as 2014. Thus I asked if there was an online repository of these marvelous DIY adventures into the depths of the creators creativity and when the answer was no, Mr. Bryanb instituted a suitable challenge:
Being the analytical SOB that I am, my brain went into "Save & Preserve!" mode and conceived the following formulation to cradle these profoundly wonderful creations into the future:bryanb wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 12:50 pmIf such a thing doesn't already exist, we could create it! By "we" I really mean you, the person reading this message. It's not like you're doing anything important at the moment so go serve the community and make this thing that we all need. Don't argue...GO!
1. Catalog as many links and notable projects as possible from the JC ACK Forum & around the web, including on it's precursor and any forks / derivatives.
2. Download / mirror as many associated sites and files as possible.
3. Solicit files from the community that still calls the ACK JC Forum a safe harbor.
4. Contact individuals / groups recognized as being arbiters of ACK games and utilities.
5. Find a suitable place for everything collected: GitHub for the source code, a video game repository willing to call the games / assets home, etc.
BONUS - Interview frequent contributors (such as Garth & Chris) and creators of ACK games to make sure their stories never die.
BONUS #2 - At least note / catalog other creation systems.
BONUS #3 - A dedicated website?
I have ideas on how to accomplish each to their fullest extent and will be cataloging my progress here. Right now I'm going to reach out to ICJ for whatever files & contact information he has on ACK and hopefully other gaming endeavors (plus ask for edit rights to my posts in this base,) Paul / Tdarcos who at one point had around 452MB of ACK / Adventure Files, and Mr. Flack as he noted that he has scanned in (slowly) his collection of video game items and artifacts including Commodore 64 material.
I'm going to do this and all you need to do is sit back, press some buttons, and let me do all the work for you.
Let's get it on!
Love & Kisses,
The Retro Romper