Jizaboz wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:34 pm1. Handgun 1: You have your Beretta. Not an expert on those, but I am pretty sure these shoot "45 cal bullets". More kick, bigger hole, more damage than 9mm.
Beretta is a brand, the Beretta pictured is a Beretta 92 (or M9 in military lingo, some differences but basically the same gun). It is overwhelmingly chambered in 9mm. With some chambered in .40 and .45 but a Beretta 92 chambered in .45 is definitely an oddball and uncommon. I don't want to go into all of the autistic detail about it but basically a 9mm, despite being smaller, does just as much "damage" as a .45. The 9mm surpassed the 45 decades ago because since it is smaller you can carry more rounds in your magazines and it has less recoil which means follow up shots are easier.
Jizaboz wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:34 pm2. Handgun 2: Something like a Walther P38 (I own an antique one I shoot fairly often) or a Ruger. Ruger is probably your best bet for familiarity. These shoot "9 mm bullets". Yes, using both cal and mm seems weird but with every American gun enthusiast I know; that is the terms they use.
Less damage but ammo easier to find / cheaper.
Again, Ruger is a modern brand, they make every gun under the sun and in dozens of calibers. I think you meant "Luger", which while also a brand is associated with that one pistol the germans carried with them in ww2. Lugers are rare as hens teeth and a shit pistol, that is one of the reasons they lost the war, because a lot of their stuff was shit and gay. Movies depict their equipment as so awesome and high tech because they need to create a villain that is not a complete joke to roll over, but in reality most of their stuff was crap.
9mm and .45 do the same amount of damage. I can get into a long wind autistic lecture on why if you guys really want me to.
They are both two of the most common calibers you can find.
So, generally speaking, when you are talking about caliber you are talking about the diameter of the bullet, the actual lead projectile that leaves the barrel. In the US, we mostly use the Imperial system for measuring so a .45 caliber cartridge fires a bullet that is 45/100 of an inch in diameter. But we are also a member of NATO and Europeans use the metric system so a 9mm cartridge fires a bullet that is 9mm in diameter. The numbers are almost not exact, they round up or down a little bit when naming them. Also, sometimes there is an additional designation for the year it was introduced, the casing length, the inventor, or other data. The 9mm cartridge that is so common is actually called 9mm Luger since the Luger company either invented it or got credit and the full name is 9x19mm Luger since the brass casing is approximately 19mm long. Shotguns use gauge, the smaller the number, the wider the shell.
Jizaboz wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:34 pmThese use clips and bullets like pictured in Mays's post. Superior range (can shoot enemies in the back of a pack as accurate as in the front) and are much more deadly than either handgun.
The clips don't get inserted into the rifle like they do in the garand. Can we just all agree to not use clips? Clips are basically not a thing, even the clips that are actually a thing you will probably never come across. They essentially never come in boxes of ammo you buy at the store even when buying military surplus. Can we please just get over the clips?
Jizaboz wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:34 pmWhile they do use 8mm, it fires bullets so fast that they can penetrate wooden doors, some armors, etc and still kill the enemy on the other side.
Most rounds will fire through most things within reason and kill what is on the other side.
Jizaboz wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:34 pm- I don't even like the idea of putting automatic weapons in the hands of the players unless perhaps there is 1, secret, hard as fuck to obtain one. People with accurate, expensive military-grade rifles or illegal automatic rifles tend to guard them to the very end, so you sure as shit would not find them just laying around.
Yes, this is true, but what the hell, it is a video game.
Jizaboz wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:34 pmI like the idea of an enemy boss having an AK-47 or something though dealing multi hits per attack but not all connect.
Within the ranges that combat takes place in the game it is pretty easy to put all of your shots on target. To clarify, the same things that will make you miss with a machine gun are the same things that will make you miss with a semi-auto. You'll have some shot dispersion and some could miss as a result and it is a game so ok, but they are pretty easy to shoot. That being said, the hollywood depiction of sweeping a row of targets and hitting anything whatsoever is wildly false.
Jizaboz wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:34 pm- Almost everyone I know says "clip" and not "magazine".
I don't care, put clip in the game, I know you are going to put clip in the game and name everything clips and have clips be central thing that describes everything. I am done with the thread.
Jizaboz wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:40 pm
4. Shotgun: This hits multi targets with one blast. Think Fireball spell from Wizardry. However, it cannot hit anyone except the first row of enemies, and the damage is spread like so:
Primary enemy (8-10 DMG)
Some enemy by him in same row (2-6 DMG)
Another enemy by him in same row (2-6 DMG)
Shotguns don't spray out and hit multiple targets, they have a pattern based on type of load and choke among other things but they fire a controlled volley of projectiles at one target. At most home defense ranges, the shot pattern is one small hole.