State of the BBS Address

Video Game Discussions and general topics.

Moderators: AArdvark, Ice Cream Jonsey

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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State of the BBS Address

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

With Ben and the Milker both headed to Las Vegas, and Debaser a recent victim of a "Dippin'" incident, now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their Country.

The next 72 hours will be a display of gimmickry never before seen by man. It's going to get ugly. I will guarantee at least *two* quality, if gimmick, posts to every single topic started by a JC denizen. That's at LEAST two, friends.

From there, it's the long awaited "Update Week" on Trotting Krips.

And after that? Well, with nothing else in mind, we here at JC Services will just give up and start linking porn. And then, possibly, general elections.

Yes, indeed! Desperation and persperation had a love child! And they named her GENIUS!!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by peepee »

hehehe fart


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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Location: Colorado

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

THIS is the shit with up which I must put.

I'd gladly trade in a thousand little "peepee" like fucks for a single post from Oh-Niner.

I hate you, peepee. I wish you would die of a cancerous heart attack that sprayed AIDS everywhere right this instant.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by peepee »



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Post by Debaser »


Flibber T. Gibbet

Post by Flibber T. Gibbet »

Whale now, looks lak 'ol mister softee Freeze Jones is havin' issues about the humourous quality round thesere parts. what yall say to hep him out and post like good little prarie dogs that we all is. I b'leieve that mos' people want to talk about the essentials. money sex or both. thats why I carry the 'merican x-press card to Vegas ever' chanst I gets. I keeps it in mah wallet behin' the rubbers just in case, you unnerstand.never know when a body gets the chanst to sink the pink.

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