Listen up, you cunt punches.

Video Game Discussions and general topics.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Listen up, you cunt punches.

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I don't want to have to make a "Rules" page for this BBS, but there have been some things that have happened lately that I want to clarify.

1. No real-life or personal information on the BBS. I respect everyone's ability to remain anonymous. Blue put a post into the third base which was a thinly-veiled personal attack on another member here. If you feel the need to do that, go start up a Live Journal page. That thread will be removed upon the user-in-question's request.

2. Don't derail the non-comedy threads. While writing this, I saw JQW speak to this in the other thread on here, and I therefore consider this to no longer be a problem. And I'm not saying that he's the only, or main "offender." If I start a thread on some video game and Bob Green & Larry King make an appearance, I don't really care. But if someone is trying to bring the content in a more serious manner, please don't use that thread as an opportunity for reckless abuse. There are seriously 99 other threads where that is fine to every one which is not.

3. Posts will not be deleted, unless #1 comes into play. Obviously, one of my mods feels differently about this than I do, but unless someone is out giving home phone numbers I'm not going to nuke posts. If someone is doing #2, I'll deal with it.

4. I don't want anyone telling people to leave. This is something that has not happened in the last few days, but it's something that has previously happened. Obviously, I like every last one of you guys & girls and it's no big secret that there are people here who do not have the hippie commune vibe that I've got going on for everyone else. But I don't want to see anyone tell somebody to get lost or whatnot. Lex has never admitted as such, but it wouldn't surprise me if he stopped coming here in part because every other post that was made to him was one telling him to fuck off or shut up. Lex is a friend of mine and when it comes right down to it, I'm fond of every last one of you. I don't want to see my friends told to get lost by anyone.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

jc bbs kr3w

Post by jc bbs kr3w »

jonsy r u mad @ us??/


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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

No. I was using the term "cunt punches" affectionately.You all my homies, I just don't like drama. TNN didn't like it either, which is why they are now "Spike TV."
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Are we still friends....

Post by milker »

I hope I am still your friend Robb. I just use your board as a place to write down my 90% of the day thoughts about sex.

We love you Sherwinator!!!!!!!
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Post by pinback »

It was my understanding that "cuntpunch" was one word.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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Post by Lysander »

Nah, that's just what the government wants you to think.

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

FWIW, having spoken to Lex recently in ICQ, I got the same impression. Haven't not been frequenting JC at the time, I have no idea if it was deserved or not, but I've been encouraging him to come back on He claims he will - I hope so, as he is a Fun Guy To Have On the Board. (Granted, he promised a lot of stuff he never delivered, but he was still fun.)

I'll knock off slagging on you-know-who from here on out. I have no real beef with anyone; I am, of course, Just Fucking Around. (And severely overusing the "shift" key in the Middle of Sentences.) I'm no bully, and in person, I'm one of the mellowest, most gentle dudes you'll ever meet. (First one to respond "fag!" get the "Most Uncreative Message Ever" award.) Obviously, despite my best attempts at total ruthless cruelty, he doesn't want to engage me in verbal battle, so I won't bother. Done.

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Re: Listen up, you cunt punches.

Post by Worm »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: 1. No real-life ... Live Journal page. ... request.
Way to not advertise Montorusa.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: 2. Don't derail not.
I suggest if you feel the need to derail something I suggest you try to wedge the next six years thread further off the tracks.
Last edited by Worm on Thu Jul 10, 2003 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Good point Bobby!


Post by Freddie »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:FWIW, having spoken to Lex recently in ICQ, I got the same impression. Haven't not been frequenting JC at the time, I have no idea if it was deserved or not, but I've been encouraging him to come back on He claims he will - I hope so, as he is a Fun Guy To Have On the Board. (Granted, he promised a lot of stuff he never delivered, but he was still fun.)

I'll knock off slagging on you-know-who from here on out. I have no real beef with anyone; I am, of course, Just Fucking Around. (And severely overusing the "shift" key in the Middle of Sentences.) I'm no bully, and in person, I'm one of the mellowest, most gentle dudes you'll ever meet. (First one to respond "fag!" get the "Most Uncreative Message Ever" award.) Obviously, despite my best attempts at total ruthless cruelty, he doesn't want to engage me in verbal battle, so I won't bother. Done.
Jethro Q. Walrustitty, how would you define the "magic" of being a mellow, gentle person who enjoys unicorns and roses?

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

I just wanted to say that after catching up twenty minutes ago, today seemed overall to be a smashing suceess over yesterday (not that the job thread didn't have its moments, mind you), and it makes me miss those days when I was awake during the, um, day.

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Post by Violet »

I never knew there were any rules. Have I done anything wrong? My Catholic guilt complex is kicking in.
The End

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Violet wrote:I never knew there were any rules. Have I done anything wrong? My Catholic guilt complex is kicking in.
There weren't really any rules beforehand. Most of the ones listed are adapted from other forums that I've been to that are run by people who honestly aren't looking to control what people say, but instead, to maintain order.

You are fine, and should not consider yourself as part of the greater "cuntpunch" subdivision of forum denizens from earlier today.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Gent from Nightshade NES

Post by Gent from Nightshade NES »

I take great exception to that! Marquis of Queensbury rules!

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