Review: Spectacular Spider-Man #1 (SPOILERS)

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Review: Spectacular Spider-Man #1 (SPOILERS)

Post by ChainGangGuy »

Spectacular Spider-Man #1

Paul Jenkins returns, with Humberto Ramos in tow, in what amounts to a continuation of Peter Parker: Spider-Man which recently ended with issue #59. I’m not sure why it's now a new issue #1 unless it's some sort of hangover from the planned reshuffle involving Kevin Smith that never happened.

I'm not $ure of the rea$on$ behind the new $erie$, but there'$ thi$ nagging $u$picion that I ju$t can't nail down...

Jenkins starts the return of the of Spectacular title off with a five-part storyline featuring one of Marvel‘s most overused characters: Venom. Oh, how tantalizing! The title begins with a vampire-like creature that is sucking dry the adrenaline glands of it's victims through puncture wounds just above their kidneys. While the police and media attempt to unravel this mystery, Peter visits his hospitalized friend Flash Thompson with friends (Liz Allen) and family (Aunt May), then Spider-Man finally makes his appearance. It took awhile, nearly twenty pages, but it was definitely worth it. While out swinging around, Spider-Man hears the screams of a man emanating from within a nearby train track tunnel. When he makes his way into the tunnel, he encounters a "new" Venom. This Venom is much more disfigured and devolved-looking than in the past. Spider-Man also notices his psychic link with the symbiote Venom feels "wrong" somehow. It’s at the issue’s end that the creature tells Spider-Man, “there is no more Eddie Brock.”

Wow. Venom sure has gotten uglier since we last saw him, but that’s probably just Ramos’ ridiculous pencils at work. Geez, this guy needs to get axed ASAP. It’s rumored Damian Scott will be taking over artwork duties (or at least a fill-in position) shortly after the conclusion of the Venom story. Good!

Well, that’s it for issue #1. There's no telling what’s in store for next month’s installment, what with Eddie Brock out of the picture.