Nuclear Hazard Clause

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Nuclear Hazard Clause

Post by Vitriola »

a) Nuclear Hazard means any nuclear reaction. radiation or radioactive contamination, all whether controlled or uncontrolled or however caused, or any consequence of any of them.

b) Loss caused by the nuclear hazard shall not be considered loss caused by fire, explosion, or smoke, whether these perils are specifically named in or otherwise included within the "Perils Insured Against" clause.

c) The insurance evidenced by this Certificate does not apply to loss caused directly or indirectly by nuclear hazard, except that direct loss by fire resulting from the nuclear hazard is covered.

I submit to you that if some country whose place on the world stage is in the parking lot out back carpet bombs LA and detonates 7 million megatons of nuclear smackdown, I shall just be able to walk into the Storage USA office, and say "Look, bitch, fire! That's the whole back catalog of coldwave industrial aggrotech you owe me, plus Kataklysm's entire discography. And a palm tree lamp, and I want it now."

How could they leave such a large loophole? What, if we enter Global Thermonuclear War or any expansion pack thereof, I get fucked out of my things if the bomb lands DIRECTLY ON my tv? But not if it lands 10 feet away and catches on fire? Seems obvious. Nice to know that if America goes down, I'll still be using my fondue set in North Korea West.