I have decided to grab the online varient of this game, Line of Contact. Will any other denizens consider also buying a copy of this game? In Britain, we can grab the second-gen controller (comes with blue LEDs instead of green), a copy of Steel Battalion & LoC all for £130. Over there I believe you'd have to buy the controller & LoC for $200, then the single-player game seperatley for $40.

It's a shame more denizens don't live in the UK, or I could set you all up with 30% off.
For some idea of scale:

No, this is not me; the British release is the end of next month. I will probably grab it then with Bursary money; I'll convince myself it's an investment considering what the original copies were going for on E-bay ;).
Screenshots in play:

And one of the cockpit of one of the first-gen, non-super VTs':

Robb has promised me, in some way or another, that he will, eventually, get Xbox Live. I figure if I trounce him enough in LSN we can force him into taking out a mortgage on his CC table & buying a copy. This is my wager.