This lasted until the second-to-last scenario on the second (of four) campaigns, or for a total of about 18 scenarios.Nearly 2 years ago, Pinback wrote: Sorry for the delay in getting my Complete Thorough And Thoughtful Review of WC3 out to the fans, but I'm taking my dear sweet time in this game. For one thing, I am approaching WC3 the way I would approach exercising (if I was exercising) or spending quality time with a significant other (if I had a significant other), that being: "No matter what's going on, set aside one hour each day to do a scenario."
In exercise, this is analogous to, "enough time each day to do cardio and two sets of weights". In significant others, this is analogous to "enough time to make love and then spend 57 minutes apologizing."
But really what it boils down to is, I am determined to completing at least (and usually at most) one WC3 scenario per day.
It may amuse some of you to know that today, I reinstalled WC3 and set about playing through those scenarios yet again, with the intent of finally, FINALLY completing the game.
Goal? Complete WC3 before World of Warcraft is released (and, preferably, after Frozen Throne has hit the bargain bins.)
In any case, even two years later, WC3 still holds up as, from what I can tell, the very best RTS that the genre ever saw. I still don't think I've seen a more solidly produced computer game from top to bottom. Graphics? Awesome. Sound? Outstanding. Voice acting? Not hilarious/irritating. Gameplay? Streamlined and smooth. Bugs? None. Crashes? None. Even the main menu is probably my favorite one in gaming.
Anyway. There ya go. I wanted to post this to the original Drunken Ramblings thread, but it's LOCKED, and the Sysop has, naturally, failed to deliver on his promise to give me ops in all bases.