Latest WC3 Drunken Ramblings, Part 2 (Now with LESS ALCOHOL)

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Latest WC3 Drunken Ramblings, Part 2 (Now with LESS ALCOHOL)

Post by pinback »

Nearly 2 years ago, Pinback wrote: Sorry for the delay in getting my Complete Thorough And Thoughtful Review of WC3 out to the fans, but I'm taking my dear sweet time in this game. For one thing, I am approaching WC3 the way I would approach exercising (if I was exercising) or spending quality time with a significant other (if I had a significant other), that being: "No matter what's going on, set aside one hour each day to do a scenario."

In exercise, this is analogous to, "enough time each day to do cardio and two sets of weights". In significant others, this is analogous to "enough time to make love and then spend 57 minutes apologizing."

But really what it boils down to is, I am determined to completing at least (and usually at most) one WC3 scenario per day.
This lasted until the second-to-last scenario on the second (of four) campaigns, or for a total of about 18 scenarios.

It may amuse some of you to know that today, I reinstalled WC3 and set about playing through those scenarios yet again, with the intent of finally, FINALLY completing the game.

Goal? Complete WC3 before World of Warcraft is released (and, preferably, after Frozen Throne has hit the bargain bins.)

In any case, even two years later, WC3 still holds up as, from what I can tell, the very best RTS that the genre ever saw. I still don't think I've seen a more solidly produced computer game from top to bottom. Graphics? Awesome. Sound? Outstanding. Voice acting? Not hilarious/irritating. Gameplay? Streamlined and smooth. Bugs? None. Crashes? None. Even the main menu is probably my favorite one in gaming.

Anyway. There ya go. I wanted to post this to the original Drunken Ramblings thread, but it's LOCKED, and the Sysop has, naturally, failed to deliver on his promise to give me ops in all bases.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I'd prefer it if you didn't add to threads that were in the "Best Of" base. I like them locked up and placed away just how they were when I deigned them "classic."

At any rate! What do you have to say to those people who think that Warcraft III is terrible? Because they are out there.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by pinback »

As I have yet to read a professional review of the game which was anything less than glowing with effusive praise, I'm poorly equipped to respond to any specific complaints a nay-sayer might have had.

However, I do know that there is large, quite pitiable and sad segment of society who quiver with joy at the prospect of sitting back smugly and poo-poohing anything that achieves a high mark of success and popularity. I suspect most WC3-dislikers are card carrying members of this sect.

The other possibility is that these people have formed their distaste after unpleasant experiences with the online multiplayer aspect of the game, due to any or all of the following possibilities (and others I may not have thought of): Cheating, imbalance, "dishonorable" strategies (making zillions of [x] using scripts, exploiting some obscure software glitch, etc.), fucking assholes.

However, as I've not played online (and most likely never, ever will, for those very reasons) I have not been exposed to such things.

If anyone gives the single player game a bad review, and keeps a straight face, I simply must surmise that they would not know a quality piece of entertainment software if Amazon delivered it overnight, directly into their rectum.

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Post by pinback »

1. I'd like to thank Jonsey for starting what could have been an interesting discussion, and then failing to follow up on it, even after I carefully crafted my provocative reply. Just one more example of your Sysop hard at work to bring you the very best!

2. WC3 Take 2 Status: Finished Human campaign, only one day later! Why, at this rate, I'll be all caught up by Wednesday!

3. Then I'll probably quit again.

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Post by pinback »

pinback wrote:If anyone gives the single player game a bad review, and keeps a straight face, I simply must surmise that they would not know a quality piece of entertainment software if Amazon delivered it overnight, directly into their rectum.
I thought of another reason someone might not like WC3, which is if they were big fans of WC2 or WC1, and there were changes to WC3 from their favorite game, and being curmudgeonly, inflexible, and intolerate of change (i.e., sick, deeply childish people), so they bitch and moan.

Me, I never played any of the "'craft" games before WC3, so I'm saddled with no preconceived notions.

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Post by Lysander »

If you haven't played the previous games, how do you know that they didn't have things that were better which WC3 didn't have?

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Post by pinback »

I don't have any idea about that. But that's irrelevant. I never said "WC3 is better than WC2 and WC1", I simply said that WC3 is a fabulous, fabulous piece of work, irrespective of its difference from its predecessors (or from anything else, for that matter), and anyone who disagrees is an incorrigible buttplug.

Queer Eye

Post by Queer Eye »

pinback wrote:fabulous, fabulous
I've got my eye on you!
an incorrigible buttplug.
So sassy!

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Post by pinback »

This entire BBS has officially gone to hell. I sit here, day after day, trying, striving my fucking heart out to keep it alive, to turn it into something interesting, something real, something... good.

But what happens? All of my efforts are continually subverted by childish little pricks with no sense of class, decorum, or decency. And no talent for being funny, being interesting, being useful members of a web forum, or even society as a whole.

Good thing the So Now Then site is back up and running! That's where the REAL fun is these days! Why not head on over and check it out!!!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

pinback wrote:But what happens? All of my efforts are continually subverted by childish little pricks with no sense of class, decorum, or decency. And no talent for being funny, being interesting, being useful members of a web forum, or even society as a whole.

I can POST TO A FUCKING WEB FORUM IN A QUALITY MANNER or FINISH A FUCKING VIDEO GAME. I can NOT DO FUCKING BOTH. I am also TIED DOWN BY HAVING A FUCKING JOB that requires me to PERFORM SAID FUCKING DUTIES and not hang about all day like some sort of bitter ex-pat engaging in this foo foo foo fa fa "Where were the better days?" horseshit.

I can't go play WC3 and talk about it with you. I can't go load up a coaster simulator and view your coasters. I can't play those games that I genuinely enjoy and have purchased and those arcade games. I have NO GODDAMN TIME left for ANYTHING except fixing shitty bugs and making a bunch of Hugo functions seem like real people.

What kills me is that you essentially shut down the sad excuse for a BBS that you have over there for six months, bring it back up and then harass everyone here to go post on it. So it's a subset of people that you wholly despise. Have you done an IOTA of work in telling other people that your spanking-new BBS exists? Have you mentioned it to ANYONE not on this BBS? Anyone at all?

Yes, this is a shitty BBS right now. If I spent two hours a night for five days working on it, it would be a much better place and everyone would have more fun. And it's disappointing that the amusing people who do come here do not post more. But I'm fucking busy, man, trying to slob together some POS "game" that -- when I do achieve other things than working on it -- gets me an endless amount of shit from EVERY GODDAMN PERSON I KNOW except my own parents, who have their own idiotic agenda for ruining the quality of my life.



the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Vitriola »

Gosh, just imagine how much time it would take out of your life if instead of having a job and things to do, you also had to fit in the monolithic task of deciding if you were going to DRINK ALL DAY, or NOT DRINK ALL DAY.


Post by Vitriola »

And then, you know, write about it. It, and not much else.

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Post by bruce »

Vitriola wrote:And then, you know, write about it. It, and not much else.
Wow. Somebody's on the Crabby Train.

Could it be because
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I can NOT DO FUCKING

My services are, of course, as always, available.


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Post by Worm »

Well, this post sure as hell wasn't made in a quality manner. So is the game getting finished?
Good point Bobby!

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Post by pinback »

Good question, Worm!

By the way, that was Jonsey's second vitriolic (if we can still use that word with a straight face), hateful diatribe against me in as many hours (and on as many BBSes).

Apparently that's the JC Sysop's new raison d'etre. Singling out the few quality posters he has left, and berating them, belittling their choice of lifestyle, and generally just denigrating their entire existences, with an intent both to vent, and also to cause emotional damage. (To wit: his characterization of me as "wasting" my life and squandering opportunities around every corner. Missed that one? Make sure to hop on over to So Now Then and check it out for yourselves!!)

That's the Jolt Country way these days, I guess. Very sad.

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Post by pinback »

Vitriola wrote:And then, you know, write about it. It, and not much else.
Ah. Apparently it's "take a big steaming dump on Ben day".

This is especially disappointing, coming from the two people who I singlehandedly ushered into (ostensibly) the happiest, most emotionally fulfilling experience of their lives.

Just doesn't pay to help some people out anymore, y'know?

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Post by Worm »

pinback wrote:Good question, Worm!

By the way, that was Jonsey's second vitriolic (if we can still use that word with a straight face), hateful diatribe against me in as many hours (and on as many BBSes).
Did we even use it before she signed up? Does it mean "randomly capitialized"?
pinback wrote: Apparently that's the JC Sysop's new raison d'etre. Singling out the few quality posters he has left, and berating them, belittling their choice of lifestyle, and generally just denigrating their entire existences, with an intent both to vent, and also to cause emotional damage. (To wit: his characterization of me as "wasting" my life and squandering opportunities around every corner. Missed that one? Make sure to hop on over to So Now Then and check it out for yourselves!!)

That's the Jolt Country way these days, I guess. Very sad.
I mean, you're doing your routine and he is doing his. You obviously don't actually believe you got them together, and he wouldn't even care if you did. I think most of the people here are reasonably happy and smart, which can make for helluva comedy. Though if we are just going to type the same things over and over, well that is just fucking silly.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by pinback »

Good question, Worm!

By the way, that was Jonsey's second vitriolic (if we can still use that word with a straight face), hateful diatribe against me in as many hours (and on as many BBSes).

Apparently that's the JC Sysop's new raison d'etre. Singling out the few quality posters he has left, and berating them, belittling their choice of lifestyle, and generally just denigrating their entire existences, with an intent both to vent, and also to cause emotional damage. (To wit: his characterization of me as "wasting" my life and squandering opportunities around every corner. Missed that one? Make sure to hop on over to So Now Then and check it out for yourselves!!)

That's the Jolt Country way these days, I guess. Very sad.

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Post by bruce »

pinback wrote: By the way, that was Jonsey's second vitriolic
Is there an echo in here?

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Post by pinback »


Currently through scenario FOUR of the second campaign. Remember, I never got past scenario NINE, so after four more scenarios, I'll be ALL CAUGHT UP!

However, it's now occurring to me again why I quit in the first place, because right around scenario FOUR of the second campaign, that's right around when the scenarios start to get... loooong. Long and hard(er).

Of course, this could just be due to the rather glacial, deliberate method of play I've developed over the years. ("Create a unit? Why yes, I think I will. Now let's sit back and revel in the creation of my new unit. Now let's make him walk around in circles! Now let's press all the spell buttons which are deactivated, so they don't do anything. Ahhh, POWER!")

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