What are the elements of the program and how does it fit together?
Opening Titles
The Boohball is transported on a ribbon of rainbow light to visit different countries and children around the world.
Boohbah Warm Up
Children call the Boohbahs (using the "special chant" - Humbah, Zumbah, Zing Zing Zingbah, Jumbah, Jingbah - Booh!) to perform a funny movement routine.
Present Giving
A group of children bring a present for the Storypeople to the center of the Magic Spiral and blow it into Storyworld through the power of Boohbah magic.
Storyworld and the Storypeople
Storyworld is a sunny "picture book" place of endless possibilities where magical things happen and funny stories take place. Each episode features a different present from the children. The children join in a game with the two-dimensional Storypeople and intervene in the screen action puzzle by blowing and the use of the magic word "Boohbah," enabling the story to continue.
Boohbah Dance
Responding to the children's Boohbah chant, the Boohbahs perform a celebratory dance reflecting a theme or pattern from the Storyworld sequence.
Look What I Can Do!
The Boohball spins off on the rainbow through sky and clouds and then across a cityscape. A child calls "Look what I can do!" and the Boohball responds, landing in a green landscape. A sparkling spot materializes and on the call "Boohbah" a child magically appears. The child has fun showing what he can do - simple movements and actions for viewing children to join in with. This sequence is continued in two new locations.
End Titles
The Boohball flies off to children calling from far away - in another country for another day. This brings the program to a gentle ending after all the fun and activity.
Boohbah FAQ
Moderators: AArdvark, Ice Cream Jonsey
Re: Boohbah FAQ
By far, the <i>worst</i> TV show* I have ever seen.Boohbah FAQ Coordinator wrote:What are the elements of the program and how does it fit together?
*aimed at kids, of course