Genius gets PS2 controllers working for the Atari 5200

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Genius gets PS2 controllers working for the Atari 5200

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Although the process is a bit pricey, the laughingstock that was the original 5200 controller can now be put to bed with a controller from the 21st century.

the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by AArdvark »

Now that's just plain weird! Why would anyone wanna do that? I guess it's now any weirder than emulating a particular commodore 64 and using a thrustmaster to play 'Ace' or 'Buck Rogers and the planet of Zoom'

Not that I would ever stoop to doing such a dastardly thing like that, nooooo.

(it was fun as hell!)

I used to revamp my old analog joysticks to digital with the addition of micro switches heisted from wayward electrical devices and things. I even made a rapid fire by using a small erector set motor that, when bolted to the side of the joystick, would spin and rapidly flap plastic tounge depressor-like sticks against the fire button. Kinda heavy and felt like a modern Nintendo rumble-pak, but it worked great. I called it Frankenstick (of course) and I was the KING of Wizball!


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Post by Lex »

That actually sounds like a pretty damn cool invention, Arrdbararbabt!

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Post by AArdvark »

Then someone figured out how to do it from within the controller and I was left with a shattered dream. The ashes of my creation sadly blowing across the wind-swept plains of despair.


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