In the Company of Men & Das Boot

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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In the Company of Men & Das Boot

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Well, this was a dastardly little flick, now wasn't it? In the Company of Men, I mean. I am actually still working on Das Boot. I, er, found a three hour version of that one -- for some reason I thought it was in black and white. It's not, but it is however in German. Luckily I can read English sub-titles! Yes!! I win!

ITCOM I thought was pretty good. After viewing it, I took to the web reviews and saw that Salon had offered up their usual worthless opinion. "The deaf girl is far too attractive to not get dates!! I don't buy it!!" I mean, Christ, movies put hot women in their lead roles. It's this new thing. Other than that, reviews were rather positive. I can certainly see that this isn't a movie you're particularly supposed to "enjoy," per se, but it did manage to elicit a lot of sympathy out of me for the poor girl. I was beginning to worry that I have become incapable of being touched by film -- that's not the case, it's just that the films I tend to watch are written without any care to that kind of characterization.

Oh, and some time before I die it is my goal to make the viewing of In the Company of Men the event for a first date. I think that would be an interesting social experiment.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by bruce »

I was thinking that "In the Company of Men" ought to star, you know, John Holmes and Jeff Stryker or something.

Which *would* make it an interesting first date. Kind of like the DeNiro/Shepard first date in <i>Taxi Driver</i>. Only, um, gayer.

Speaking of gay porn, isn't "Mr. Goodwrench" a <b>great</b> gay porn name?


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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I think my rep is bad enough without making a comment on the Goodwrench thing.
Which *would* make it an interesting first date. Kind of like the DeNiro/Shepard first date in Taxi Driver. Only, um, gayer.
Or, a first date with an actual real, live, hearing-impaired girl!

Actually, though, after seeing that movie I can honestly say that I would not and could not dump a deaf girl. I mean, there's just no way. Nessman has done it, so maybe I would ask him for pointers, but still. Unless this hypothetical girl was a complete bitch or something I just wouldn't have the (lack of) heart.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Ben »

I broke up with a deaf girl once.

It was pretty embarassing afterwards, too, since I didn't even know she was deaf, and the only reason I broke up with her in the first place was because she just WOULDN'T FUCKING LISTEN.

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