Microsoft buys Rare

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Microsoft buys Rare

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

This would impact me a whole lot more if:

1) I can remember the last Rare game I played, and whether or not it was in this current century or last

2) I owned an X-box.

But I can't, and I don't.

So I'll post another arrogant quote coming from the hated mouths of an employee of Electronic Arts:

From the Boston Globe, written by Hiawatha Bray
"There's still plenty of good revenue and good growth in PCs. If anybody wants to quit making PC games, Electronic Arts is more than happy to take the business from them." So says Jeff Brown, spokesman for Electronic Arts, the world's largest maker of computer games.
Haw haw haw, EA! Oh, you lovable little scamps, you. Boy, do I hope that a corporate jet containing the very nerve center of your company's best and brightest never goes down, what with such an event likely to temporarily FILL HELL and all.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!