The IBM Model M is no longer the best keyboard

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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The IBM Model M is no longer the best keyboard

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

It had a remarkable run. But I really miss my Saitek in the other room. Like, I miss it at work where I have a horrible, horrible Dell standard keyboard.

I can't take the Model M into work and buy myself another Saitek due to the fact that we work in cubes and seriously, it would annoy the shit out of people if the clickety clack of the Model M were introduced into the environment. It would be like those rape frogs in Australia. Utter chaos as everyone got their own, louder keyboard.



The only bad part of the Saitek Gamer's Keyboard is twofold.

1) It's called the "Gamer's Keyboard." Thank Christ my brother doesn't come here any more. He'd flip a gourd laughing at this development.

2) The software used to program the thing is the worst software written since Front Page Sports: Football '99 was released and recalled. I seriously do not care for it. It's, as far as I can tell, impossible to emulate holding down a key on the thing in emulation. Oh it says it can do it. It ... it says a lot of things.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

What's so special about the Saitek?

It can't be seriously considered a "gamer's keyboard" as long as it has those motherfucking "Windows keys" that sit so inconveniently between the all-important CTRL and ALT keys.

The reason that I remain the local Duke3D champ is because of those CTRL and ALT keys. Any attempt to introduce a rogue key between is an attempt to induce rage in a gamer's heart.

As for the noise, I use a clicky IBM keyboard at work; always have. If anyone doesn't like the noise - fuck 'em.

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