I was looking for the levitating Frankie pic for the Roswell article. And when I clicked on it, Dayna mentioned how she missed Chris's presence on the BBS. And that Chris left because he didn't like some guys. Who hated other guys. Who left.
Then it occurred to me... everyone of the fuckers we were talking about already left! Check it out:

Knuckles hated Chris, and Chris left because of Knuckles.
Bruce left because he hated Knuckles.
Ben hated Bruce, and Chris. Who may have left because of Worm. Actually, we didn't know exactly where to put Worm, so we sort of made him in the middle of all this. Plus, he's the only one of the four who will actually read this.
I hope this explains things in a simplified manner for the historical record, to everyone who finds it, sort of like the Rosetta stone of Jolt Country, if the Rosetta stone concentrated not on translating hieroglyphics, but instead translated people wishing death on babies and wives.
Good day!