Burger Wars II Participation Poll

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Moderators: AArdvark, Ice Cream Jonsey

Would you be interested in participating in Burger Wars II

You may select 1 option

Total votes: 8

Burger Wars Moderator

Burger Wars II Participation Poll

Post by Burger Wars Moderator »

Participating in this case refers to designing, cooking, photographing, and submitting said photo of your ultimate burger, for subsequent judgement.

Thank you.

- The Burger Wars Moderator


Post by Ketchup »

I am no member, but why cannot Ketchup vote? As an integral part of the perfect burger, I should be allowed a chance to vote. So, how about it, huh? Just a little vote. Hmm?

Nevertheless, Ketchup stands ready for the oncoming onslaught of the Second War of the Burgers. Whether to be poured on lavishly or drizzled gingerly, I eagerly await your call. Even if I'm relegated to being a mere 'dipping sauce' for your curly-style french fries, just give the order!

Condiments assemble!

I'm a Hamburger

Post by I'm a Hamburger »

I don't own major credit cards.

I can't do the laundry cause I got no clothes.

I can't read a book cause I don't have eyes.

I'm a Hamburger.


Post by Ben »

Three votes? Only three votes? Was the question too hard?

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Can guests even vote? I don't think this man voted in his own poll.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Ben »

I did, actually.

I still KNOW how to login when I need to, Jub Jub.

Burger Wars Moderator

Post by Burger Wars Moderator »

So far, we have three confirmed participants. In order to make Burger Wars II the competition it really needs to be if this franchise is ever going to get off the ground, I'd like a minimum of FIVE contestants overall.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

The point is that we all photograph our attempts at making a cheeseburger, right? So I am in this... Ben is in this... Clash, well, I have a problem with Clash being in this if he is a not a registered member of the BBS. I know the guy was devoured by wildlife not too long ago, but enough of him remains to click over to the "register" screen. (Ah, t'hell with it, this is just a very transparent way to try to get him to post on the BBS.)

Who else dare submit burgery goodness?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Burger Wars Moderator

Post by Burger Wars Moderator »

Clash will participate in Burger Wars II.
The point is that we all photograph our attempts at making a cheeseburger, right?
Yes, and we here at Burger Wars Enterprises, Inc. have been very careful to not specify any particular parameters for judgement. Whether you judge primarily on presentation, visual aesthetics, or on specific ingredients which strike your fancy, that is up to you.

However, you are likely to do better (based on previous results) if your burger looks good, the photo captures the entire essence of the burger, and the ingredients appear to be delectable, or at least inoffensive. For instance:

Good: Melted cheddar cheese and 1000-Island dressing threatening to drip off the side of the beef patty.

Bad: Unidentifiable red splotches, and mustard on top of bun.

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Post by ChainGangGuy »

What the hell, count me in! Besides, how hard can it be to make a tasty burger?

Burger Wars Moderator

Post by Burger Wars Moderator »

CGG, have you voted? Meaning, are you included in the three "Yes" votes counted above?

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Burger Wars Moderator

Post by Burger Wars Moderator »

Clash has signalled his interest in participating. So, really, we only need one more "YES" vote up there, and it's a go.

Burger Wars Moderator

Post by Burger Wars Moderator »

Okay, it looks unlikely that we'll get more than the three currently signed competitors. Originally I wanted at least four or five competitors for BW2, but since there's only three, I'll put it up to followup vote among the three who signed up:

So, if you clicked "YES" for participation, please answer this question:

Would you like BW2 to go off as planned, even with only three competitors?


Post by Ben »

Sure, why not. Sounds like fun.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Who are the three people? Why can't we at least have Gerrit, Clash, Ben and Robb? Why not that?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Ben »

Have you not been paying attention to the other thread in this base? CLASH IS NOT PARTICIPATING.



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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Oh, I thought he sobered up or came down from his little trip there.

Does he ever read this BBS? Why does he not post here?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Ben »

No. What made you think he sobered up and came to his senses?

No, he doesn't read this BBS. And he doesn't post here because he doesn't read this BBS.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

What about this BBS doesn't he like?

... Oh, right, he killfiled you. You'll never be able to answer that question. Never mind.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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