What game is this?

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What game is this?

Post by pinback »

The first RTS game I ever played. I believe it came out in the mid '90s, circa 1996. It was not particularly well-received and quickly faded into obscurity.

It was set in SPACE. However, placement of asteroids and stuff made the space maps more like ground maps, with asteroids where there would be trees.

It was 2-D, and top-down.

I think it had a relatively long name, perhaps with a colon in it, but I cannot swear to that. Like "Space Commander: Outpost Marauders of Space" or whatever. This may or may not be true.

For the life of me I cannot remember what it was called, or find anything on the web which reminds me of it.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Deadlock? Outpost?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Wait. Was it Dark Reign?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Alien Legacy

Post by Alien Legacy »

Was it me? :)


Post by Dominion:StormOverGift3 »

Perhaps me?

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Post by pinback »

No, it wasn't any of you people. Dark Reign was a classic in the genre (not that I played it). I'm talking about a game that was on shelves for two weeks, then everyone realized it was a cheap knock-off, a cash-grab, and it was relegated to history before the shrinkwrap was even cold.

I think it had a dynamic where you had to control warp-gates at the beginning of each map, or you'd get sent back to the previous map. And instead of building buildings, you built add-ons to your starbase.

Yes, I think that's how it worked. You had a starbase with "slots" around it, which you would add to, instead of building new buildings.

I'm pretty sure that's how it worked.
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Post by pinback »

Much of what I described in the previous post applies to CONQUEST: FRONTIER WARS, which IS in fact a game which I bought and played, if only for a half hour. However, this came out in 2001, and is not the game I am thinking about and searching for as described in the first post.
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Post by Jack Straw »

Did it cause memory loss and seizures?

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