I don't think I count, but...what else is this forum for?

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I don't think I count, but...what else is this forum for?

Post by Vitriola »

Am interview I did with some people in Las Vegas is finally up on the website. I *think* I was live on the air, but they never exactly made that clear, only that I would be able to dl it from CO at some point.



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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

You sounded great. The highest compliment I can give you is that you sounded like any average person I would be interested in listening to on the radio. I think, for most of us, we just want to get in and out of an interview with good points, lucidity, and the occassional induced chuckle. Job well done! I understand that when I do this sort of thing I slip in an unconcious mention that my kidnappers are treating me well, and what's America's problem anyway?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by AArdvark »

Dog television would be a room full of squirrels.

I'm using SeaMonkey as my browser.

Things are quiet right now


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