Now, we come to the next steps.
I need help from someone with graphics abilities, to take this design, and do a real nice, big version of it. You know, real fancy like. It need not match the design EXACTLY, but the theme needs to be there, the rounded bowtie, and the upper-right to lower-left swoosh. The bigger and fancier the better, but without adornments -- don't put a dragon or a happy face on it or anything.
Also, the pizza slices should be empty, not filled in.
Does anyone have the skills to do this? If I like the product, I will pay you money. Or you can just submit your work with a watermark on it, and charge me for removing the watermark, if you gots to git paid.
If nobody here can do it, maybe submit it to your graphically-capable friends, and tell them about the money thing if they are greedy bastards like that.