Currently I'm working on something that attempts to recreate some of the gameplay of the 80's EPYX classic Crush, Crumble and Chomp.

Right now I have the PC as "Gohzilla", who can breathe fire, both to destroy buildings (they become rubble) and smite his pesky human enemies. He can also directly attack structures and enemies with his claws. Gohzilla can pick up fleeing human civilians and eat them (chomp! chomp!) to restore health. Tanks are the only enemy currently.
Things to do:
-- More terrain types (more varities of house and skyscraper, maybe a power station, landmarks)
-- Have terrain catch on fire if attacked with fire breath
-- More enemies (add cop cars, troops, jets, helicopters, SAMS)
-- Laser eyes weapon for Gohzilla (zap!)
-- Build out the city
-- More PC monster types? (not sure this is worth it - might be better to just focus on making a fun game for playing as Gohzilla)
The trickiest part so far is having the civilians both move and be able to be grabbed - in ACK a thing can be a NPC/creature that moves, or an item that can be picked up, but not both. So what I've been doing is hiding successions of 'civilian items' in rows under special road squares. Each turn a macro removes any previously revealed civilians and removes the 'next in the series' set of road squares -- which reveals the 'new' civilian underneath, hence creating an illusion of movement. I still need to set up something that will turn off the 'reveals' on a specific street when a civilian is actually picked up - might be too tricky.