The future layout of the BBS

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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The future layout of the BBS

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Let me ask you guys this -- there exists a possibility that I can move this BBS into one which is threaded in the future. I am a big fan of threaded forums, and the layout of phpBB has always bugged me (the big honking "Emoticon" table to the left of the post window bugs the hell out of me, for instance -- sure, maybe the presence of it is customizeable, but I have not the desire to go do it).

Here's an example of what the new forums would look like:

... keeping in mind that the reason so many message titles have "..." as their value is because the siteop just imported them from the phpBB board that he was running himself.

My understanding is that we'd be able to import all the posts that we currently have. None of this would even begin to take place before I get back from Christmas Break (so we're talking the first week of January at a bare minimum) but I just wanted to throw this out there in case anyone had any comments.
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Post by Lex »

I will fucking hate you for life. I mean, what the hell is this? Fine, nostalgia aside, perhaps I like having organised bases rather than the STUPID-POST-FEST it would become if all were available instantly. JC has a new format. Live with it. Embrace change, or die like Yoda, just fade off into the sunset.

To sum up: Do so and I will leave.

Ex-Reader of Lex's CRAP

Post by Ex-Reader of Lex's CRAP »

As per usual, Lex is wrong. The other format (besides the grotesque, unacceptable color choices and the horrendously unreadable fonts) is much, much better.

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Post by Lex »

Hey, if I want slipstream conversations, I'll go to Monto Rusa, thankyou very much.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Lex wrote:I will fucking hate you for life. I mean, what the hell is this? Fine, nostalgia aside, perhaps I like having organised bases rather than the STUPID-POST-FEST it would become if all were available instantly. JC has a new format. Live with it. Embrace change, or die like Yoda, just fade off into the sunset.

To sum up: Do so and I will leave.

I should note that there will still be bases. It won't just be one big throbbing man-load of content, thrown hilly-dilly into your face or anything.

Plus, technically, the old JC BBS did not have clickable, threaded conversations or anything either, so technically this is not nostalgia, it's just my desire to -- now that I am on the web -- emulate the two BBSs that I have had the most fun on, which is the Old Man Murray forum and the Jetstream / Pinback's Web Central II forum. (For PWC2, it was a big giant blob of conversation, so experiences with that, and my linking to a particular base on Planethate and not the forum overview, has me understanding exactly where you are coming from.)

Also: Plz dont leave kthxbye
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Ex-Reader of Lex's CRAP wrote:As per usual, Lex is wrong. The other format (besides the grotesque, unacceptable color choices and the horrendously unreadable fonts) is much, much better.
Do you mean the stuff that surrounds each post (the red-colored stuff, whichis particular to Planethate), the cyan bar that appears on the top of each post, the white-and-green-on-black layout when perusing which individual post to click on in a thread, or all three?

Basically, I want to know if there's something specific that you find reprehensible to the eye, or if it's just a general distaste of every color shown over there. I am hoping to keep the same color scheme that we more-or-less have now (which, when the FoD-based logo is up, is somewhat worksafe, as the colors are kind of muted) if we go to the threaded software.
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Post by AArdvark »

The best thing about JC the dialup was the 'show me all new posts reply if you want or hit enter for the next one'. then i could lean way way back with my beer and just keep stabbing the enter button and drink myself into a loquatious (sp) frenzy as the 300k modem printed the words across my 40 column monitor.
i will kick myself if there is a command like that here.

Change if you will, but keep the same colors, please. and make bigger fonts for us laid back readers!


1337 Worm

Post by 1337 Worm »

I think you should go back to the dail up BBS it would be great we all could get war dialers hahahaha!

I frankly think it is too complicated ... replies to replies to replies to replies!

I don't like to reply to just one post I prefer to adress many posts as an all encompassing reply I know I'll accidently reply to a reply and everything will go to shit.

Why did you have to display it on that stupid page? I mean if I saw a demo floor model with spooge all over it I may of liked it but that stupid "PLACE OF HATING" site simply made me VERY biased against the board design.
Woo Hoo I don't like a game and am going to use five hundred fucking porno metaphors to itterate that to you!
I like being able to disable HTML in my posts, type in pink, type in blue, underline things, make a list, and you know ... reply to the entire topic rather than having to pick and chose a certain post and press click, click, click to view a topic with many replies. I like to go to a topic I haven't seen for a year because I've been locked up or something and look at all the replies with my damn arrow keys.

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Post by bruce »

1337 Worm wrote:I think you should go back to the dail up BBS it would be great we all could get war dialers hahahaha!
I have a spare Apple II with dual floppy drives, and a 300 baud Hayes Micromodem. If someone will fund another analog line, and if I can get a copy of ASCII Express on Apple II floppy disk, then I'd be happy to run a REAL Old-Skool BBS.


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Post by Lex »

I live in Scotland, fagoit bruec.

but seriously, what's wrong with some organisation? I like having topics I can undersand and add to in a creative maner. Manner, that's it. what Idon't appreciate is the overly complicated KEEP-ON-CLICKIN' of this kind of place. I want to scan down topics sensibly. And then abuse Adam.

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

I also prefer what we already have to the example given to us. Sure, when some or most of the bases go untouched for a while, it gives the impression that this isn't a very happening place, but I think the categories does more good than bad.

k. roo
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Post by k. roo »

Yeah, I'd have to agree.

The older I get, the less enthused I feel about change of any kind. So let's just keep everything the way it is, and someone please bring me the slippers. And beer, I need beer, thanks.

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Post by loafergirl »

The forums are much nicer this way... but I could do for some door games =)

1, 2, 5!
3 sir...

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Is that even possible? (Putting door games up on a website like this?) I'd do it in an instant if such a thing was feasible.

I'm L.O.R.D. as fawk, narmean?
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Post by Worm »

I get you loud and clear. My buddy Shiaar might be cojoled into starting his BBS back up he had L.O.R.D, L.O.R.D II, Usurper, and some of the space based ones up. I don't see why java telnet would be infeasible. I'm going to go look that up.
Java telnet applet.
Good point Bobby!

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